Save Point 10: Half-Asleep, It's Lunacy to Think...of Lemons

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Blue: "You're updating?! So soon?!"

Me: "Well, I felt just HORRENDOUS after not updating so long the last time...that I wanted to give a bonus update now as an apology! I'm sorry, my lovelies! And I'm sorry, Blue!"

Blue: "Why are you apologizing to me?"

Me: "Because this is...the chapter of your demise..."

Blue: *Backs away a step*

You: *Make a face like WTF?!*

Me: *Play sobbing* "The chapter of your...innocence's demise!"

Blue: "...?"

Daisy: "She's saying it's a smut chapter! Good thing, too. Now my cameras will get to collect some excellent data!"

You: (✧ ꒪◞౪◟꒪)

Me: "Yeah! IT'S A LEMON CHAPTER!" *Does a strange dance that may or may not be an invocation to the yaoi gods* "Ahem, sorry about that. Got a little excited...It's also a sweet chapter, so if you don't want to read smut, ABOUT WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, then, like, skim it with your hands over your eyes until you get passed it or something—I DON'T KNOW BECAUSE I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOUR AVERSION TO SMUT. SO IF YOU'RE LEAVING THIS PAGE NOW, I HAVE JUST ONE THING TO SAY: YOU CAN KEEP YOUR INNOCENCE, AND I'LL TAKE MY PERVERSION!!!! Also, I love you regardless of whether you want to read the smut. I do understand your side of things..." *Reluctantly* "I just like talking a big game."

You: *Hugs me*

Me: *Hugs you*

Blue: *Passed out on the floor, twitching*

Me: "By the way, this chapter isn't particularly important to the plot line so you really should be fine skipping it if you want. Now...LET'S GET IT STARTED IN HERE!!!!...That's the song I attached. Now let's see big smiles all around!"


*Reddish POV*

Hmmm, this bed was really warm...No way was Red getting up now...He snuggled deeper into the covers, despite feeling a nearly uncontrollable urge to pee. Red squirmed in his bed with the effort of trying to ignore it so he, half-asleep, could get back to dreaming.

...There it was again. The confused fragments of his dream were back. He was dreaming about...being warm and snuggled under the covers of another bed. Heheh, okay, if he remembered this when he really woke up, he would have to admit to having a sleep addiction.

But he was getting up in his dream and taking a look around. Red didn't recognize the room he was in at all. The double bed with a purple comforter he was half-lounging on was completely foreign to him. And he was wearing an undershirt and a pair of sweatpants he was sure he didn't own.

Red stood up, glancing around the room, and went to look in a mirror above the dresser opposite the bed. Huh, he still looked like him—surprisingly detailed for a dream, really, but then he was half-awake—except his hair was maybe a bit shorter than he normally kept it? And he sort of had a five-o'clock shadow thing going on that was totally new?

Red looked down at his body, wondering if puberty was rearing its ugly head again with a vengeance. It made sense, of course, that he hadn't quite been done growing up yet, but this did seem a little sudden. Then again, Red still remembered his growth spurt freshmen year that left him, like, a whole four inches taller in one night. This wasn't really any weirder than that. Oh, and it was also a dream. Funny, how he was forgetting that. Especially since he had to PEE.

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