Save Point 5: A New Take on the Same Old Mulch

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Me: *Smiles with irritation deep in her heart* "In this chapter, I guess we try taking some different perspectives on Blue's berry mulch and enlightening him because it fucking bores me, how much of a bitch he continues to be. Also, this chapter surprised me. It just kind of took itself in its own direction with Yellow as its hero and I think you'll be very sorry if you don't read it all the way to the end. Or maybe you won't be. Maybe this chapter is shit, and I don't even know it, so I'm waiting on your guys judgment, okay? Anyways, I am at least certain that this chapter has changed my plans for future chapters but, hopefully, in some regards, not too much." *Pouts* "I had fighting scenarios I wanted to write—thank you very much. Oh, and warning! Smut!!! Also, the picture/quote I attached here has multiple implications for this chapter, to me anyways, and not all of which are readily clear...I dunno—just let me know what you think about anything you have thoughts on in the comments, 'kay?" *Starts the show*


*Green's POV*

We had stopped for the night after following behind Yellow's group on our way to Pewter City. We hadn't caught up with them yet, and I was sitting on a log with my head propped up in the palm of my hand. Red was across the campfire from me, crushing four exhausted pokémon in his arms and, without seeming to be aware of it, making this pouty face like kids do when they have to wait for Christmas.

(Me: *Rubs chin, suspicious* " that code for Red x Green?! Nein! I will not fall for this! I will not wait for Christmas this year!" *Throws a fit, then cries because Christmas has already passed* "Wait, is the Fourth of July Red x Blue, then?...And White?" *Frowns and pushes White off a cliff* "Much better." XD)

"Pix..." Vulpix gave one last, pathetic sigh, yawned, and then fell dead asleep in his arms. Red's eyes shined in the firelight like he would cry—red flames reflecting off black pupils and flickering across red irises. He looked absolutely heartbreaking this way, and, sitting there, I just didn't understand who could treat him like that, to make him look like that. Poor baby. Stupid Blue.

My eyes shifted over to look at Lyra. She was fast asleep, already snuggled up in her sleeping bag. I glanced back to Red, who was still pouting to himself, and I guessed he was lost in his own thoughts. I decided to speak up. "I got Pixie when I was five," I paused, not even sure Red was listening, "for Christmas," I clarified, "That was the first time I fell in love."

(Me: "Aww, maybe Christmas is actually code for Green x Pixie...and Green's a freak...How cute.")

"Was your first pokémon Pikachu?" I asked, but Red barely even glanced up at me, "Pixie wasn't mine. I've actually had Venasaur longer," Ah, he finally looked up at that—was a fully evolved pokémon impressive to him? "It was great and all when I got Venasaur, but Pixie is one of the best moments of my life when I can remember smiling wider than I ever have. Do you have any moments like that?"

Red visibly flinched, just the slightest contraction in his facial muscles and then it was gone, but it had been distinctly there, and my heart clenched in my chest. He mumbled something to himself. I dared to ask what. "Blue," I was surprised when he actually spoke up clearly, "Blue wrote me a poem." He said nothing else, and his eyes trailed dismally back down to Pixie.

I chose not to comment on that—I didn't want to bother him. "She's soft, isn't she? Makes a good plushy in my opinion."

Red just sighed a little, and I wondered if all he wanted was to just be held like that himself—exactly like how he was holding Pixie.

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Where stories live. Discover now