Chapter 1

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I stared at Simon. Yes, THE SIMON. My eyes were wide as saucers, I could feel it. My mind was still trying to digest the words that just came out of his mouth.

“SERIOUSLY? HOW IS THAT GOING TO HELP ME?! OH GOD.” I found myself asking him in a not so quiet voice. I could feel everyone at the café was staring at me like I’m a complete retard, but I could care less of what they think of me right now. They could assume I was some crazy ex-convict who was deported all the way from India and I still wouldn’t care. Well, maybe a little bit, but still.

"Yes, I am very much serious. And, if you agree to do this, I will provide you with everything you need, specifically a house. I might even be able to get you a scholarship for that school of yours." He smiled gently at me. I just stared back at him like some crazy bitch.

"But why me?" I asked out of the blue. Yeah, why me? There were a lot of girls who would do this, even celebrities would be a much rational choice.

He just chuckled at me and shook his head at my sillyness.

“Why? Would you rather I choose someone else? It’s okay. I’m pretty sure a lot would be more than willing to do this.” He said, his eyes looking at me, amused.

“No, no, it’s okay.” I waved my hands in front of him, as if I was trying to shoo away what he just said about considering other people.

Heck it was more than okay! 


“Good. Now come with me, soon-to-be Mrs. Horan.” He winked at me before standing up from his seat and walking towards the door. I followed him, leaving behind the coffee and pastry I ordered.

We went inside a car and I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

I remembered being devastated when the news about Niall and that bitch came out. I wanted to die. For real.

2 days after that news came out, I was 3 days from being kicked out of my house.

But just a while ago , Simon Cowell came up to me while I was thinking that this would be the end of the world for me, asking me to drink coffee with him

And here I am, in his car, driving to their entertainment company, ready to meet Niall Horan, my future husband.

My palms are sweaty, hands trembling and my heartbeat is fast. I’m going to meet NIALL JAMES HORAN, the guy who I always dreamed about, the guy who I was in love with even if I didn’t see him yet. And the best thing was, I’m not only going to meet him, but I’ll be married to him.

After a 30 minute ride from the cafe, we finally arrived in their company in London. I am really nervous what will happen when I enter the room and Niall is there.

“You ready?” Simon said as we get off the car. It was a tall building here in London, there was a big sign that says “Sony Music”.

“Here we are” I said to myself quietly. As we enter the front door, different people of all shapes and sizes greeted Simon, and I was just there at his side walking awkwardly and then I noticed everyone was staring at me. Well, that wasn’t a nice start.

As we entered the elevator, Simon pressed the button which says seven. Seventh floor, that might be the floor where One Direction do all their stuff. As we reached the seventh floor, I got more nervous than I was before.

“Darling, just be yourself okay?” Simon said to me as he opened the door.

Niall was there.

No one was there except for him, not even the other boys. He was just sitting at a corner, he was expressionless. I was really nervous and I don’t know what to do. I feel like I can’t move a muscle. After 5 years of being in love with him, I am now face to face with him.

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