On The Plane

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Recap: I had went up to my bedroom and texted Andy, then I layed on my bed and fell asleep.

(My POV)

The next morning I get up and go downstairs, Nialler is still asleep on the couch. BVB had left early this morning to go on tour. I still hadn't gotten a text from Andy. I assumed he was still asleep. I go to the kitchen and get something to eat. I then get a text from Andy.

"Hey, yeah I've wanted to date you too. I just didn't have the guts to tell you and you were cuddled with Nialler, when I saw you I couldn't do anything about it and I was a little upset. I do believe we have a lot more things in common than you and Nialler."

"Yeah. I just need to tell Nialler the news." I reply.

"Yeah, gotta go. The guys are gonna get pissed if I'm not on the bus in 2.56 seconds. Gtg." He replies.

"Ok.Ttyl Andy." I say.

"Ttyl Ana." Andy replies.

Andy had to go I have nothing to do. I'm bored. Maybe I'll go downstairs. I go downstairs and hear the guys playing their guitars, Cal on his bass, and Ash on his amp drum. I go up behind Luke and and put my hands over his eyes.

"Whats up Ana?" He says.

"Dammit. I was suppose to surprise you with that. How did you know?" I ask Luke.

"It's easy, your the only girl in the house." Luke says.

"True." I say.

I sit next to Mikey and he kisses me on the head. I miss his cheek and listen to them play a little. Then Ash says something that catches my ear.

"Guys, we start tour today! We have 3 hours to get ready and get down there." He says.

I run upstairs and get in the shower, Ash ran behind me and went in his room to take a shower. I strip and take a quick shower. Then I get out and get dressed. I decide to wear my high waist shorts, my 'I'm still killin' it' crop top, my black stilettos, my lip rings, my plain black beanie, my band bracelets and my nose ring. I also switched my earrings to black feathers instead of hearts. I came out of my room and saw Ash come out of his at the same time. We threw our hands up in the air like, 'what just happened'. We just laughed then we went downstairs and sat down. The others went and took a shower. They finished, then they came down, Ash and I had our bags packed and they still needed to get theirs packed. They got their bags packed and we got in the car and left.

(Ash's POV)

We get to the airport so it can take us to our tour bus. Ana gets out of the car and waits for me. I get out and we start walking to the airport, there were a lot of fans. I mean, I love our fans but, I love Ana more. She's like a sister to me. Not to mention the fact that Michael is her brother. And the fact that she's dating Andy, yeah, I read through her text messages but, at least I didn't tell Michael, he would've have gave Andy a good bang to the head when he found out that they were dating. He accepts Andy, he just wouldn't accept him dating his little sister. I hope they don't tell him until later, cause he'll have a huge fit if they do. I thought to myself. I was snapped out of my train of thoughts by Mikey. He kept saying the same thing.

"Earth to Ashton. Are you there Ash?" He said/asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said.

I lied. I felt really bad, I wanted to tell him that Ana and Andy were dating but, I didn't want Andy to get hurt and I also didn't want Ana to be banned from seeing Andy. I started walking to the airport with Ana. She could tell something was wrong, I don't want to tell her I read her texts. She'd get pissed. Cause then she'd think that I told Michael and I would say I didn't and she wouldn't believe me which would make her hate me forever. That's the only word I heard, forever. Then I was snapped out of my train of thoughts by the flight attendant over the intercom, 'Flight 156 to LA, last call.' I walked to the plane and sat next to Ana. She leaned on me and fell asleep. I layed my head on hers and started slowly falling asleep.

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