Chapter Eleven

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I walk down the gravel path along the bed of the river with his ice-filled bandana still pressed up against my lip as I head for the falls. It's a spot I've done my best to avoid since we got here. It was where I was supposed to meet Levi that night so many years ago; at least that was the plan. Of course, that was before fate decided to intervene.

The wind whips through my hair, and I take a deep breath, inhaling the familiar pine scent that clings to the breeze. I tremble, recalling how I searched these exact same woods, remembering the fear that rushed through me when I couldn't find him.

I stop walking, and stare straight ahead. So much is going to go wrong, and here I am, willingly marching right back into it. Maybe I won't be pushed over the side of the falls this time, but I'm still going to be murdered. There's no preventing it.

My shoulders collapse as I glare up at the sky, feeling cheated. I'd run away if I could, leave all of this impending torture behind, and start a new life somewhere else, but it's not that easy. I've tried running before, and it didn't work out. Something's always pulling me back here. Back to him.

Pushing the heels of my palms into my eyes, I command myself to hold it together. I mean, it's not like I have any other choice. This is my destiny, and fate has already chosen the script. So, if I can't fight it, I might as well enjoy what little time I do get with him. Especially since I robbed myself of that pleasure the last time around.

With a deep, decisive breath I start down the path again. The mossy rocks crunch underneath my boots, and the roar of the falls becomes deafening as I draw closer, drowning out all the doubts bouncing around in my head. My legs are a little wobbly, but I make myself keep going, and with each shaky step my apprehension grows.

To calm myself down, I replay scenes from all my other lifetimes and the moments we first met over in my head. Each time we've had a different beginning: some were smooth, others a bit rockier, but every one of them was special in its own way.

The path widens, opening up to a clearing that's bordered on one side by a thick line of trees and a couple of weathered information boards. I step out onto the spongy earth, covered by layers of decaying foliage, and immediately see him there, standing down by the cliff. He's got his back to me, and he's carelessly leaning over the railing, but I'd be able to recognize his body anywhere: the long torso, the thick arms, and broad shoulders. So much like Levi...

The mist blows off the falls, dotting my face with dozens of tiny droplets and I blink in disbelief. It's almost as if I've stepped back into the past, and he's been here waiting for me this whole time.

He's basked in the warm glow of the streetlamp above him, and I want to run to him. I want nothing more than to throw my arms around his neck and never let go. But he has no idea who I am. We're strangers again, starting from scratch.

The idea both sickens and excites me. My slate has been wiped clean, but so have his memories. It's a double-edged sword, both a blessing and a curse.

With a wipe of my clammy palms against my jeans, I gather my courage, which I'm suddenly finding very hard to do. I tuck my long hair over my shoulder and my heartbeat picks up, pounding louder with each step I take. It's like being sucked back into a storm: I know I'll get swept away, lose myself entirely, but I can't help it. I willingly let myself get destroyed each and every time. Fate would have it no other way.

When I'm only a few feet away, I stop again. My throat has gone dry, so I run my tongue over my lips, wetting them as I try to come up with the right thing to say.

But before I can even open my mouth, he surprises me by unexpectedly turning around. My heart lurches, and my breathing falters. Those same gray eyes, thick lashes, and perfect lips... I say a silent prayer that this—the fact that he looks almost exactly the same—is some kind of sign that there still might be hope, that I might still have a chance to change things.

He leans back against the railing and greets me with a considerate smile, almost like he was expecting me. "Hey there, Ellie."

That voice—I hear them all, every single one of them.

The water roars to life inside my ears and my knees turn to jelly. He must sense something is wrong, because he steps forward and grabs hold of my waist to steady me. Of course, it has the opposite effect.

A shockwave of longing bursts through my body and I feel as if I'm going to explode with emotions. I swoon a little. I don't remember ever swooning back in the day when we ladies were known for such things, but I can't help myself this time. It's all too much.

The world starts to fade away, and my eyelids flutter. Somewhere in the distance Levi's muffled voice calls my name. I want to respond, but I can't make my mouth work. My body feels heavy and then everything goes dark as I sink into a dead faint.

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