intro/ hawkfrost x ivy

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SOOOooooo..... Hey peeps welcome sit and read my tails whilst drinking a nice hot chocoa. Now today as it is my first chapter I will write just a story I thought of on the spot as I have had no requests (duh!) so I'm writing a story of ivypool and hawkfrost!!!

It all started on one summers eve...
"woah woah woah stop the press!!! This ain't no 2 year old story and can we atleast talk in warriors terms!!! Now let's start again! ..... That's better!"

Ivypool sobbed closing her eyes, how could my own sister betray me like THIS?!?!,
Ivypool opened her eyes pleased to be back in the dark forest "hawkfrost?" she called wonderingly "I'm here my love!" came a voice from the shadows and out stepped a broad shouldered dark tabby tom with blazing ice blue eyes. So, look who came back for their wonderful mentor!, he teased. Well now ivypool what do you want to train for today?! The tom purred. I want to learn how to fight like you! Hawkfrost! She squeeked like a kit on their first day of being an apprentice. Very well. Hawkfrost lead the way to a clearing were a tiny beam of sunlight hit. This is the place of sun, he began. The only place here with sunlight. Ivypool stared in awe adjusting her blue eyes out of the gloom. Wow it it it's be beautiful! She gasped. Unexpectedly hawkfrost pounced on her tussling with her on the cold muddy ground creating a big writhing mess. Ivypool shrieked in shock kicking with her hind legs repeatedly while slashing furiously with her claws, h ha hawk s stop! She squeeled. Why are you too afraid to hurt the leader of this towns son?! He mocked her. She kicked him so hard he flew back into a tree gasping for air, winded. Hows that for a scaredy cat?! She purred with amusement. After that they both headed of for a meal they had to eat crowfood or starve so they chose crowfood together they shared a stringy old mouse between both of them that's all they could have.

Hawkfrost let me test the "apprentice" it was mapleshade. Hawkfrost looked at ivypool she nodded hesitantly. Imeadiotly mapleshade pinned her down and raked her claws across her exposed belly. Shrieking in pain ivypool struggled to fight back. Mapleshade, hawkfrost gave a warning growl. The tortoishell she cat gave him one look of satisfaction before biting into ivypools,who still shrieked,neck. She then raised her head, blood Dripping down off her jaws, to see hawkfrosts face MAPLESHADE THATS ENOUGH!!! He yowled in horror leaping at the other darkforest cat. Mapleshade fled in terror. Oh ivy, hawkfrost sobbed please be ok. Ivypool raised her head I I'm ok she stuttered th thank the place of no stars hawkfrost breathed twining their tails.


Ivypool yowled in pain as she bore hawkfrosts kits and here is the last one! Hawkfrost declared raising the runt of the litter. Tears streamed down both of their faces. They were now both parents!!! Hawkfrost dipped his head to the first born kit he was a white and brown tabby tom he will be called thorn. The newly named kit, thorn, mewed loudly of approval. Ivypool blinked and touched noses with a she kit who was a golden tabby and this is Creame again the kits mewed the final kit squirmed and mewled loudly the couple purred already knowing what she would be called this little one is the night's song! They both purred. song suckled for milk.
Hawkfrost looked at ivypool and a tear trickled down his face. Oh ivy, Ivypool grew hot and blushed she loved being called ivy. Yes...
I I I I can't be with you I'm a dark forest cat. We aren't ment to be! When I met you I was using but now I really love you! But you know as well as I that starclan forbid our love! Hawkfrost burst into tears. Ivypool glared at him, the kits then back to him. Oh my sweet sweet hawkfrost, I know it's hard but if starclan forbid our love then how do we have three healthy kits alive!? You aren't a dark forest cat! Nor am I thunder clan! We are a family of rogues infact we can leave our troubles behind we can be together ypu just have to take my paw and come with me!
Ivy, if loving you is wrong... Then I shan't be right!
The two cats twined tails and bounded off with their kits.


Ivypool opened her eyes and remembered the way she and hawkfrost danced that night and how it would never be the same she belonged with her clan her kits have left her and now she must leave too.
Hollyleaf flicked her tail as she lead the way to thunderclan whilst ivypool stared back, tears streaming down her face. Oh my sweet sweet hawkfrost, I'm so so soo sorry! Please forgive me!

A/N: hey peeps please comment what you think and please request!!!

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