Hokage and living arangements

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Dedicated too ImmortalShadow13 , InsaneWolfGirl and Its_Totally_Makayla
Katsu sat up in her bed, talking with Kakashi.
"So why were you at orochimaru's hide out?" Kakashi asked, Katsu sighed
"He bought me at a auction..." Kakashi seemed shocked. Katsu was about to answer when a elderly man entered the room, smiling at Kakashi and Katsu
"Hello there" the hokage said kindly. Katsu was frightened, she didn't want anyone that was a man near her,
"K-Kakashi" she stuttered frightened,
"Kakashi you are dismissed"
"Hai" Kakashi said getting up, Katsu grabbed his sleeve, Kakashi looked back at her confused, it was then when he noticed she was scared
"Katsu, what's the matter?" Kakashi asked, Katsu pulled him down
"Please dont go.... I don't-"
"Kakashi?" The hokage asked, Katsu winced a little as Kakashi sat in front of her
"Katsu?" Kakashi asked katsu. Katsu leaned into him
"Please don't leave me alone in here... I have......bad trust issues....with...uh" Katsu said signalling too the hokage and other anbu that came into the room. Kakashi looked at her and sighed
"Lord hokage can I have a private talk with you?" Kakashi asked, as he made the anbu leave the room as he closed and locked the door and sighed,
"Lord hokage I'm afraid.. That Katsu.. May have trust issues with men" Kakashi stated. The hokage looked at the man blocking the door.
"Well she doesn't seem like that around you Kakashi" Kakashi sighed
"Hai?!" Katsu gasped and bowed her head
"Gomen"  both men looked at her confused
"Gomenasai, hokage-Sama, Kakashi-San. I was taught to obey orders and not defy them at any cost or I'd get..."
"Raped, I have the scars to prove it but... " Katsu lifted her head showing scars on her neck, Kakashi stepped forward and sighed
"There from at least 2-4 years ago?"  Katsu nodded.. The hokage looked at the girl sadly
"Well why not you explain to Kakashi about what happened to you?"
"Hai" Katsu said as she glanced up at the masked man. Kakashi smiled softly and tapped Katsu's hand, she flinched making him smile wider
"Why don't you show your tails and ears?" Kakashi asked smiling as he sat next to Katsu on the hospital bed and patting her head Inbetween where her ears would be, her ears raised as she blushed a little making him smile,
"Good girl" he praised making her blush a little darker. Katsu nodded and whimpered as Kakashi stroked her ears, "can I touch your tails?"
"I'd prefer you not to" Katsu said "but if you want to" Katsu froze as Kakashi stroked her tail.. Her ears went up completely as she blushed a dark red
"Kakashi-San... Stop it~ it tickles~" Katsu said blushing, Kakashi smiled behind his mask and stopped
"Fell any better?"
"Hmm" Katsu hummed while she nodded. Kakashi smiled as the hokage watched quietly..
"Well then. I see you too are getting along just fine" the hokage commented. The hokage nodded and left the room, Kakashi sighed and looked to Katsu
"Alright.. So who are your parents?"
"Nick and maya toro-Shi" Katsu said quietly
"Why were you in orochimaru's hide out?" Kakashi asked again, Katsu sighed and looked away as he ears lowered
"I was sold by my previous owner to orochimaru where he did experiments and beated me for exactly 35 days" Katsu said sighing quietly, Kakashi smiled and nodded
"Thank you Katsu, that's all the hokage wanted to know" Kakashi said smiling as he patted her head and got up, Katsu nodded and swung her legs over the side of the hospital bed, Katsu leaned forward as she felt the cold wooden floor on and winced as she felt a pain go up her legs, she slowly stood up, her legs shaking as she attempted to take a few steps forward to get Kakashi who was walking to the door.
"Kakashi-San" she said wincing a little, Kakashi looked back and went wide eyed as he suddenly caught her in his arms
"Katsu you shouldn't be waking, what made you-?" The hokage was smiling as Kakashi froze
"Katsu.." Kakashi started as he helped her back onto the bed "please just stay in hospital until you can walk" Kakashi asked softly, Katsu nodded and whimpered
"Gomen" Kakashi sighed and patted her head
"Don't be sorry okay. You just wanted my attention" he said sighing as he sat next to her, Kakashi had never been this kind to someone before. Katsu was different that was for sure, Katsu seemed kind, but she was treated so badly in life, Kakashi guessed he just wanted to help her and he was doing a good job at it. Katsu sighed and leaned against kakashi's shoulder silently, Kakashi sighed and smiled..
"You should eat" Kakashi said getting up "I'll be back in a bit okay? Stay here"
"I can't go anywhere"
"I know" Kakashi said patting her head like a dog and smiling as he teleported the hokage smiled
"Soo, Katsu" the hokage started, Katsu looked at the hokage frightened, kurama watching through her eyes carefully the slits in her red eyes like a window to the large fox.
'Keep your guard up' Katsu nodded slightly and as the hokage stepped closer
"I've arranged where you will be living after you are discharged from the hospital" Katsu gave the hokage a curious look, making the hokage chuckle
"Since you have trust issues with men, I'd like you to live with your new friend" Katsu looked at the hokage and nodded
"Hey Katsu" Kakashi said holding a bowl of ramen, Katsu looked at him and wagged her tails. Making him chuckle
"Alright yeah you look cute" Kakashi commented as he fed Katsu, katsu swallowed the ramen and whined as Kakashi started talking with the hokage
"Right sorry Katsu" Kakashi said smiling, Katsu chomped down on the chop sticks and growled a little, Kakashi smiled amused at Katsu's behaviour
"Are you an animal?"
"Hmm?" Kakashi said turning his head to the hokage,
"You still have that spare room in your apartment?"
"Course never used it" Kakashi said sighing, Katsu chomped down on another mouthful of ramen and whimpered
"Kakashi-San.. Am I living with you?" Katsu asked Kakashi looked at her
"Do you want to?" Kakashi asked a little confused as the hokage smiled, Katsu looked away as her tails wagged. Kakashi smiled and sighed
"If that's alright with you Kakashi?" The hokage spoke up, Kakashi sighed
"Yeah it's fine" Kakashi said smiling. Katsu's tails wagged faster as she smiled a little, Kakashi smiled
"Alright then it's settled, Katsu toro-Shi will now be living Kakashi!" The hokage exclaimed, Katsu nodded and looked at the pillow,
"Here" Kakashi said laying her down gently
"Rest, I'll be right here" Kakashi said softly.. Katsu nodded and smiled at him,
"Hai Kakashi-San" Katsu said as she closed her eyes, Kakashi watched her and smiled to himself
"Sleep well" he said as he sat on the bed, back against the wall as he relaxed and watched Katsu sleep... Until he himself drifted off

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