Our Unfortunste Love Story | Chapter Four |

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Our Unfortunate Love Story

Chapter Four

"One more twirl" my mam said spinning her finger in the air.

"Mam if I keep spinning I'm going to be to dizzy to even go out" I said as I span one more time.

Looking in the mirror my new white dress hung from my shoulders. My brown saddles were on my feet and my blond curly hair was down and bouncy. I was excited about the date it was almost 12 and my mam was getting her camera out.

"Mam I don't want Alex to think this is a big deal" I pleaded as I removed the camera from her grip.

"I'm sorry baby I'm just.. You look beautiful" she said as she started to wipe tears from her red eyes.

"Your mother is right this is a big deal it's your first real date with someone you you actually like" he said as he moved in for a hug.

"I know dad I'm just nervous about-" I was cut off as the door bell went.

My dad removed from our hug and went to answer the door. My mam followed him with a bounce In her every step.

"Cassie Alex is here come downstairs" she said.

Touching my clear lip gloss up I could feel the butterfly's having a party in my stomach.

Walking down the stairs Alex was waiting for me unlike last time. He was wearing a checkered shirt with his sleeves rolled up. He was wearing light brown chinos and some flip flops. His hair was the same as it always was but this time there was more finger marks through it. I knew he was as nervous as I was because his cheeks wear a bright pink which made him look younger.

"Hi" he whispered to me whilst grabbing my hands and pulling me in for a hug.

He didn't care my parents were just right there. Not that they cared as my mam stood with her arms wrapped around my dad and a giant smile smacked on her face. And my dad tried to hid that he was happy I had a nice guy finally coming into my life.

"Come on let's go" he said whilst letting go of me. He grabbed my hand and intwined our fingers.

"Bye mam, dad" I said as I left the door.

"Goodbye Mr and Mrs Evans" Alex said waving with his other hand.

"Hey" I said looking up to his face.

He looked down and smiled. He was a lot different today he had a smile on his face and he had a light in his eye. Walking straight past Alex's car I wondered why we weren't in it.

"Wait, wait, wait where are we going.. Your car" I said pulling him toward the car.

"No no were going to walk there to the park" he said as he kept walking.

"Why" I asked as I kept walking beside him.

"Because it's a nice day and we shouldn't be in a car we should be out" he said. Looking up I could see he was excited to start walking.

"Yeah, yeah let's go then" I replied back to him.

| Our 💙 Unfortunate 💙 Love 💙 Story |

We had finally gotten to the park and I had found out a bunch about Alex.

"So if I walked up to you with a handful of nuts-" I started to say.

"I would swell up like a ballon" he said.

Starting to walk in the huge green garden I could see trees of all sizes and colours. Kids were playing the park and some were walking with parents on the path.

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