Our Unfortunate Love Story | Chapter Five |

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| Our 💙 Unfortunate 💙 Love 💙 Story |

Chapter Five

It has been a hole week since mine and Alex's date. We decided not to see much of each other during school time and he has been busy after school. We text all the time which makes me feel joyed that he thinks of me. Sometimes during history class I would catch him staring at me, his hands would be in his palms, knotted and sweaty.

I still wondered what his mam was talking about but I didn't want Alex to panic. I haven't spoken about that night since it happened. It makes me sad to think Alex is hiding something from me but I know it's for the best so I don't talk about it.


Alex had text me that half and hour ago I wondered if I should text back but he was in the back garden helping Charles. Looking at my phone I knew deep inside I was craving for his hands to be wrapped around me hugging me tightly. My phone started to buzz taking me out my fantasy world.

"Don't you own a phone?" Alex asked. His breathing was fast almost panting for air.

"Of course I do what am I on now" I tease. Putting my head down I was excited to be talking to him a full week without him and his witty charm. I felt lost without him these days it worried me how close I had gotten to him. Sometimes I felt as though if he left me I would be scared crawl up into a ball and wither away until he came back. I know I sound pathetic but Alex has that affect on me.

"We'll why don't you answer it I'm on my hour break where are you?" He asked down the phone. His breathing had calmed and I was excited to see him. Jumping up I looked in the mirror I had my pj short shorts on with stupid bunnies jumping around. My 'I heart chocolate' T-shirt was too short for me and came to my stomach. Looking up to sort my hair out I heard a knock at the door. This will have to do I think tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. You look a mess my subconscious sneers at me.

"Come in" I shout as I pull my shorts a tad down.

My white door slowly opens and Alex walks inside. He was wearing a white wife beater and some shorts with crazy palm tress on. He was getting more tanned because of the hours he spends in my garden. He had been coming here everyday after school to do some gardening with Charles.

"Hey you" he said softy whilst slowing moving towards me. His hole body was sweaty and his thriving arms wrapped around my thin waist. His hair was messy you could see he had been working hard because he had ran his fingers through it that often.

"Hey yourself" I said moving my fingers up to his cheek. Slowly stroking his jaw line I could see sadness in his eyes.

"What is wrong Alex" I said. His eyes where looking everywhere but at me. I moved my hand and cupped his cheek slowly I pecked his lips. I started to softly rub my nose against his.

"Tell me" I whispered to him. His eyes finally met mine and he just stared at me.

"I feel as though I've known you all my life. When I'm with you all I can think about is how much time I want to be with you and how I never want to leave you. And when I'm away from you all I want to think about is running my fingers through your soft hair. Looking into your deep blue eyes and telling you how much I've fallen for you" he slowly moved his fingers within my locks finally looking back at me I realised how much I felt the same.

"I feel the same" I whispered to him our faces were practically touching and everything around us was gone. We were alone in the universe all those things that mattered to me school, friends, family everything.. had vanished.

"Alex" I slowly whispered to him his piercing grey eyes were watching down on me.

"I.. I.. I L-" I started to speak before.

"Cassie I've been looking for you.. Ohh" my mam had barged into my bedroom without warning. Me and Alex throw ourselves apart and my face lit up like a wild cherry. Serves you right letting your guard down like that my subconscious was yelling at me. I knew she was right I had fallen so hard for Alex I knew I would do anything for him.

Looking at my mams stunned face it suddenly turned to a calm uplifting expression.

"Hello chick I never knew you had company.. Would you like some lemonade!" My mother asked slapping her hands together. Her plain white apron hung from her hips and I knew she had been cooking.

"MAM! Alex just had a break he came to see me" I tried to explain but the fact that our moment was just ruined by my mother made my cheeks blush even more.

"Oh Hun it's fine I will leave you to it.. Um but keep the door open will you" she said as she slowly walked out leaving the door open with a crack showing.

"I'm sorry about her she is a bit cluster phobic sometimes" I tired to explain. I was so embarrassed that I was about to tell someone for the first time that i truly loved him and that moment was ruined... BY MY MOTHER.

"No it's fine.. I'm sure what you were about to say you can say it again.. Right" he said. I looked down at the floor knowing it was wrong to start saying those three words. Alex cupped my chin I was now staring into his eyes.

"It's fine I should be going my break is almost over anyway" he said whilst pushing a hard kiss on my cheek. He slowly rubbed his thumb over where he had kissed and left my bedroom.

I was left alone in my room well with my pushy subconscious. What am I doing this is crazy looking down I realised what I was wearing. I had forgot I was looking crazier than ever but he didn't seem to care.

I needed to get changed and go out.. Do something and try and figure out how I truly felt before I went any further.

| Our 💙 Unfortunate 💙 Love 💙 Story |

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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