Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

"Ha-ha" Maire fake laughed.

"Look for yourself!" I scream-whispered at her.

She rolled her eyes standing on her tip-toes and looked through the peephole.

"You know you're not 'whispering' very queitly! We can hear you!" a thick Irish accent said through the door. I'm assuming that was Niall. Unless we've been lied to our whole lives and the whole band was Irish.

"I look like a mess! We can't have them in!" Maire whispered to me ignoring the world famous boy band.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door, "Hi, can we help you?"

How was I playing this, this cool?

"Erm...didn't we meet this morning?" Harry asked us.

"Yup! I was the girl who said 'fuck me' and you said you'd call me later. Well it's later!" I winked at him.

Zayn spit out a laugh, "Well that esclated quickly!"

I smiled sweetly at the five heart throbs, "I'm Carressa. And this is my best friend Ma-," Where'd she go?

"MAIRE?!" I yelled.

No answer. Great.

"Well Maire's also here, but she isn't use to having teen sensations standing in our doorway. And well niether am I, but I assume this is the time I invite you in?"

"No we just wanted to let you know that we can hear your music from down the hall, and it's quiet loud," Louis said from behind Niall.


Keep it cool Car. Keep it cool.

"No I insist! Our parents own the hotel, it's no biggy!"

All five raised their eyebrow's in question. Looking at each other the shrugged and walked through the doorway. What am I doing if they see our rooms they'll be scared for life! I have a life-size Louis cut-out that has lipstick stains on it!

"This is a" Niall tried to make conversation.

I giggled, "It's technically the biggest suite in the hotel, but we're not suppost to tell people that."

"Your secret is safe with me," Niall winked.

He. Was. Adorable.

"Please, take a seat! I'll get some food! And Maire..." I said walking into Maire's room.

"What are you doing!" I questioned her when I saw her sitting at her vanity crying.

"Car! What am I doing? My favorite band is sitting outside of this room and you expect me to be okay? They're my life! I have to cry! But I don't want to seem like an overly obsessed fangirl!" She sniffled.

"But you are an overly obsessed fangirl," I pointed out.

"They don't know that!"

I rolled my eyes, "Hurry up! It's rude to not greet your guests! And don't put make up on or cute clothes. Let them see you how you are because that's what they'll like and it won't make you seem like a fangirl."

She nodded weakly.

"Smile you dumby! One Direction is in our living room!"

She smiled stupidly, "There ya go, babe."


"And then, my mum just starts twerking. Like what almost 40 year old can twerk! And she's like rapping thrift shop like it's no big deal. I was basically dying," I laughed.

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