chapter 2

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Danny (POV)

In the morning i woke and to loud noises. Which is the boys yelling at something stupid asf.

I groan and slowly get up and go to grab me some clothes. I went in the small bathroom we have in the bus. I turn on the shower and put it on hot. Then put some cold water. Its really relaxing to me. I strip and got in the shower.

I stayed in there for 20 minutes. while standing there i started to think of "him". I start to feel my body tremble and tears start flying down my face.

No. I can't let him ruin my day. I take a deep breathe and wipe all the tears off my face. I get out the shower and go near the sink. I turn on the water and splash water in my face and turn to leave.

I go in to the bunk area. And put my stuff back. I grab my phone and earphones.

I left out the bunk area and i started to feel hungry. So i go to the front of the bus and see charlies,j,and johnny

"Hey dannyboy" j said. I turn around and said"hey j"

Charlie and Johnny looked like they were in a deep conversation so i left them alone. I wonder were matt and funny are. Then out of nowhere matt and Dylan came in. When I saw fuuny I turn away. I don't need to see him right now.....not after yesterday.

I told the guys i was going out for a walk. I grabbed my shoes and ran out the tour bus. I started walking to a park near by. Its was 10 miles away but i still wanted to go,so i went.

In 10 minutes of walking i past a waffle place,a baker,and a pet store. We were going to be at this city for a while so might as well get to know it.

I was five miles away from the park when i bumped into someone. I look up from the ground to see some really beef man. And he had a lot of tattoos.

"Hey watch faggot" the man said

"S-sorry,i did not mean too. I should watch were I'm going" i said quietly.

"Sorry don't cut it fag. How about about me and my friends over there teach you a lesson"he say looking at his friends and cracking his nuckles.

I glup and pray that someone saves me and why do i always get my stupid self in these problems.

Dylan (POV)

When danny ran out on us i knew something was up. I told the guys i was going to the store to get somethings for the bus. I toke our rental car. Its was a blue honda civic. We have another one. Its a honda crv. I toke the civic.

I drove around for about 7 minutes and still did not see him. I really start to worry now. Where is my danny boy. Wait did i just say my danny.

I shake my head. I don't need to think of this right now. I need to find danny boy right now.

Then i see danny and his small self near three beef ass guys standing near him and leading him into the alley.

I hurried and parked the car and and ran over to them.

"Hey,back the fuck off" i said to the man and walking up near danny

He turned around and said"fuck off. Before i beat you and him up"

"If you touch me or him imma fuck you up" i growl out

He turned away from danny and tried to punch me. I dodged and hit him in the gut with my fist. He fell to the ground. His friends start to walk up torwards us. I head butt one of them and punch the other in the dick.

I grabbed dannys hand and ran over to the car. We got in and drove away.

Danny (POV)

I'm happy that someone saved me but why funny. Now i really have to talk to him. I sigh and look out the window. I see funny pulls up into a market.

We went in and bought somethings. We went in and got cereal,eggs,ham,bread,mayo,turkey,and meat. We went to the check out area. We paid for our groceries.

We left out and when were putting the food in the truck the guy and his friends were back. But bring two more people with him.

Damn it. Its all my fault.

"Hey you fags. I'm back. I bring 2 more people. I want a fight" he said while it seem like he was staring into my soul.

Funny looked at me. I knew he wanted me to get in the car. I got in the car and put the keys in. I open the door a little bit for funny. Funny walk up to them and punch one of them. They went to see if he was ok. By the time they looked up funny was already in the car.

Funny ask me a question when we were driving to the tour bus.

"Are you ok" he said while stilling looking at the road

"Im sorry if i put you into to much trouble" i say quietly and i feel tears fall from my face.

Like "him" said im nothing and im jist useless and can never do anything for my self. I feel tear slowly fall from my face.

Before funny can say something we pull up to the bus and in the bus to my bunk. I curl up into a ball and just lay there. The others aren't here so i should be fine.

Then i hear someone come in. Knowing it was funny. I tried to ignored him. I thought he left him when i heard the door close, but he rolled near me. Grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Danny" he whispered and circle his fingers around my hips. I closed my eyes and try to ignored him.

"Danny. Its okay to be scared but you have to stick up for your self. Im happy that i was there for you,but if i was not. You need to learn how to fight for your self" he said in a whispered in my ear

Chills went down my back after that."i'm sorry to put you through this. Sorry" i sobbed out

He pulled me closer and said"don't apologize. You did not do anything thing. Its was not your fault" he said.

"Yes it is. If i just stay out of peoples way none of this would have happened. You see god hates me" i sobbed more

"No,god does not hate you" he said.

"Yes they he does. He does" i said sniffling. I feel sleep starting to over. Before i fall asleep i hear him say"i will help you always"

I snuggled in to the warmth and stayed their. For know i will stay here. It felt that someone cared for me. J cared for because it was my bestfreind but like i needed him eat everyday

He smiled while sleeping. What we did not know the rest of hollywood undead were coming back soon. So we better get ready to get teased.

Well thats all for now. Tell me what you think i need to improve on.

Hope you liked it.

Ppgzkaoruxbutch out😜😜😝😛😝😜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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