V. Warmth

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After Clear had settled down, I took the time to venture forth to find a lavatory in stable condition. Locating the map, still perched on the decrepit table in the main hall. Tracing the outline with my finger, I was relieved to find a star sketched on an active bathroom on the first floor. Taking the map into my hands, I followed the tracings and narrowed my eyes. I stood at Clear's doorway, and I was utterly puzzled. Pushing open the door, I noted he was nowhere to be found. I could have swore I locked the door on my way out.. But he probably had a spare key on stowaway. I was about to step from the room, when I heard a thumping from the roof. You're kidding me right? As soon as I became aware of what was happening, it hit me. Literally. Clear plummeted through the roof and took me to the floor with him. Wheezing, I became slightly dazed as my head hit the floor. He immediately stood up and panicked, swarming me with apologies and I swear he was about to cry. Holding my head, I took his outstretched hand and leaned on him for support. "I'm fine.." I was barely audible but I was convinced he heard me. He sat me onto the bed, taking my satchel into his hands. I was about to ask what he was doing, but he scrambled around and finally brought out the first aid kit. Struggling to open it, he tugged out a large slim packet. Reading the instructions on the back, he gave me a pitiful expression. I managed to smile out of amusement, before taking it from his hands. He at least knew what to get out, but it seemed as if he didn't want to mess it up. I squeezed the packet, and shuttered at the striking temperature change. He reached over, and took it from my hands. Narrowing his eyes slightly, before running off.

"C-Clear?"  I watched as he redirected himself to the other side of the room. Studying the bookcase, he wrapped his arms around it. He's not going to lift that by himself is he? To my surprise he leaned back, and drug the bookcase with him. Setting it so it pressed against the bed, I peered behind. So that's where it is.. There was a door, surprisingly hinged. Clear opened the door, and padded inside. He reached into the darkness, and brought a towel out with him. Wrapping the pack inside, he sat back on the writing desk chair, pressing the pack against my temple. I felt relief, and the pain in my forehead gradually dimmed. He traced my face with his eyes, the unmistakable look of worry still present. But I also realized, he was the one who fell through the roof. I opened my mouth, confused.

"Are you hurt?" Asking with a troubled expression, I gripped his gaze. He seemed taken back by the question, but he gave me a soft smile. "No, It's nothing to worry about." He exhaled, and withdrew the cold pack. "Does that feel any better, Aoba-san?" Still uneasy, I nodded falling back onto the bed.

"You should rest, I'm sure you'll feel much better afterwards." With a cheeky smile, he sat the pack on the nightstand in case I needed it. Before he got up from the chair, he noticed the map curled across the floor. Taking it in his hands, he opened the map. "What was this for?" I opened one eye to observe what he was talking about

"I was trying to find a bathroom." I slowly sat up, propping my back against the pillow. He closed the map, and got to his feet.

"Shall I run you a bath, Aoba-san?" I was surprised by his question, becoming slightly embarrassed. "A-Ah, no I should--." As I tried to get up, the pain in my head struck me with sudden rejuvenated strength. Holding my head, I sank back down onto the bed. He drifted over to me and removed his right glove with his teeth before placing it on my forehead. I was shaken by the action, and reflexively gripped his wrist.

"I do believe you're running a fever." He retracted his hand from my forehead slowly, moving to my cheek. "Your face is awfully red, Aoba-san." With newly gained resolve, he smiles softly."O-Oi..""I will start the bath." I couldn't refuse his offer, I was strangely entranced by his voice. But at the same time, I needed to in the first place, it was my original destination. After he had left, I placed my own hand to my cheek. Where he had cupped his palm. Is it really that bad?I heard the sound of rushing water, and I turned to look into the bathroom. It was completely dark, over the sound of the water I could hear dim humming. It was a soothing sound, and I could only close my eyes and listen until it ceased. He walked back into the room, and grasped a candlestick by the nightstand. Reaching into his pockets he fumbled for a match, striking it against the wall to ignite the flame. Turning to me, he extended it forward for me to take it. Obtaining it from his hands, I got to my feet and slowly followed his lead. I sat the candle by the edge of the bath, bubbles brimmed the sides and I could smell the feint scent of cherry blossoms. I turned to him, and gave a smile. "Thanks, Clear." He merely nodded with a sheepish smile, before turning to leave. As soon as he reached the door, the House creaked and the candle was extinguished. He stopped in his path, and his breathing hitched temporarily."Are you alright, Aoba-san?" I called out to him, "What was that about?" Within moments, Clear had lit the candle once more and gave a pained expression."The House wants to isolate you, as long as you're alone, you're vulnerable to the House."  I was confused, as long as I'm alone? Does that mean when I'm not with Clear the House is after me?Nervously, I asked the question I built up inside. "How am I supposed to take a bath, then..?" I was burning with embarrassment and couldn't help but revoke my gaze. Even Clear seemed a bit startled at the comment, and he brought up the impossible."I could.. stay in here, if you're comfortable with it." I glared at him, scanning for a look of mischief. But he was sincere, he had never been one to commit unlawfully actions. Swallowing my pride, and shutting out my mind completely. I could only nod, otherwise I would violently refuse him and throw him out either way. He sighed softly, and sat down on the toilet a small distance from the bath. Taking consideration of my embarrassment and facing the wall, he covered his eyes with his hands."No peeking." I scolded, before I led my shaking hands to the brim of my shirt. I couldn't help but look over at him, even if deep down I knew he wouldn't. Lifting my arms, I discarded the fabric to the floor. Before pursing my lips, hesitantly undoing the buckle of my belt and pulling my pants over my legs. I tossed my remaining clothing accessories to the side, and slowly slipped into the bath. With that signal, he uncovered his eyes and yet did not face me. His eyes plastered to the floor, he kneaded his gloved fingers. I sunk back into the bubbles, where they overlapped the lower half of my face. Peeking up at him with a curious expression, he turned slowly to meet my gaze. Letting out an amused breath, "You're so cute, like a bunny." Bewildered by his comment, I hid myself completely under the blanket of bubbles."Oi.. Don't say stuff like that.""Sorry, I couldn't resist." he was still pure-intentioned, not even a slight bit phased by his own words. Taking a bottle of shampoo Clear provided, I stretched my arm back to run it through my hair. I was overwhelmed with a sudden blow of pain through my shoulder, and I let out a pained yelp. Clear, who was obviously alarmed, rushed to the side of the tub. I was more focused on the wrenching pain to notice he was standing there. He knelt down, and looked towards his knees. "Sorry, it was because of me, wasn't it?" I turned to meet his face, and I was tempted to ask him to back away. He was right beside of me, if not for these bubbles he would have.. I gripped my shoulder with my left hand, and frowned. "It's fine.." He lowered his hands, and fumbled with his gloves. Discarding them to somewhere in the room, he took the shampoo bottle into his hands and poured some of the liquid into his palm. I didn't realize what he was planning to do, until it actually happened. He rubbed his hands together and knead them through my hair, his thumbs massaging my scalp. I was taken back by his action, but he was already endorsed into doing this. So I closed my eyes, allowing him to wash my hair. He began to hum again, and I opened my eyes to watch him. His own eyes remained closed, as he softly ran his fingers through my hair accompanied by his melody. Feeling myself begin to fluster, I averted my gaze and allowed him to finish. When he had extracted his hands, he dipped a steel cup into the water and drizzled it along my hair. While supporting my head, he began to tilt it to the side to rinse behind my ears.It was a peaceful moment for me, and I felt truly relaxed. Once he had finished, I cleaned the rest of my body individually and dismissed myself from the bath. After I had dressed, Clear and I walked back into the room. As soon as we stepped through the door, freezing air shot directly at me in all directions. Clear looked startled, and I gave him a questioning look. He exhaled, and I could see the vapor cascade from his lips. "The ventilation system has ceased function." He was shaking, it was unbearably cold and I could only exhale into my hands. Clear told me to check on my friends and he was to see what the problem was. I nodded, and stepped outside of the door. Fragments of the roof were scattered across the hallway, and I walked into the main hall carefully avoiding any sharp edges. Everyone was seated in the dining hall, I made my way over to Koujaku and Noiz. Sitting down awfully embarrassed, I asked him a question quietly. "What's going on?" He raised his eyes, and scooted his face closer to mind. "Dinner is being prepared, they're scarce on food because of the cold. They're finding what they can." He seemed devastated, and I could only internally laugh. A frail woman stepped out from the room across the hall, and brought over a tray of biscuits and a small cup of mushroom soup from the nights before. We all took our share and ate the small portions given, before everyone hesitantly headed to their rooms. The temperature had not changed, and I pushed through the door with slight irritation. Clear sat on the edge of the bed, his hair dripping water into the towel hung around his neck. He had changed into a plain white shirt and what looked like spaced out jeans. I closed the door behind myself, and stretched my arms. Getting up from the bed, he dried the rest of his hair with the towel before tossing it into the hamper. "Did you find the problem?"He exhaled sharply, "The House refuses to cooperate." Running his fingers through the back of his hair, "It feels betrayed.""Betrayed?""Because I'm showing it less affection than I am for you." His words cause me to become flustered, and I dim my gaze. "I-I see.." Slipping into the bed, I brought the blankets up to my nose. Nothing. It was still deathly freezing. Clear sat down onto the ground, and began to dress himself with blankets. "Clear.. Wait.."  I spoke without thinking, and I immediately regretted it. He paused, and looked up to me curiously. "Sleep up here, It would be impossible to sleep on the floor in this temperature." Suddenly bashful, I pulled the blankets farther over the bridge of my nose. He hesitated, bringing his lips together in a frown before slowly getting to his feet. He exchanged with me a glance that said, Are you sure? I nodded and scooted over to the right to give him room. He opened up the blankets, and nuzzled inside. I could not meet his eyes. No matter if I tried, I was horribly embarrassed. Even with Clear in the bed, the temperature did not change. He was distanced, so only a part of his heat swarmed to me. I was still shaking, looking downwards. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me, tucking my head to his chest gently. I could not speak, it was warm. Stricken with gratitude, I wrapped my arms around his back and snuggled him closer to me.Tonight I couldn't hear the House awaken, for all I could think about was this indescribable warmth.

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