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Hiroko Yui's POV:

Silent wind noises came from machines transporting humans through tubes. Sidewalks barely existed anymore in this period of time. I watched as the teenagers the same age as me all wearing dynamic bright colors that hurt my eye.

Seriously, how is this fashion? I much prefer Kimono's and normal simple clothes.

I walked around aimlessly with no real destination in mind. I was well aware with my inhuman hearing that people around me were talking about me, probably because of my natural hair color (which is not dyed. Its natural iris sky blue)

Some talked about my sharp unnatural eye color which is a combination shade of red and brown. Some talked about me merely because they have seen me on TV.

I sighed, as I heard a girl mock my simple plain lace white dress. I don't see the point really, it was comfortable, easy to move around in, and the color didn't hurt my eyes at all. (Unlike some others...)

I then noticed a old women on a side walk trying to sell pastries. My eyes soften in pity. Usually the sidewalks that are left these days are used as stands for poor people who hope to be able to sell something.

I walked up to the women and handed her a $20 000 000 bill (Yes, those bills exist in my time period) The old women looked at her in shock, I smiled a closed eyed smile, "May I please have a 5 vanilla cupcakes, 16 macaroons, and 2 packs of freshly made bread?" The women immediately got all I wanted, and tried to see if she had change to give back, I took the bag and smiled slightly, "Please, keep the change. Take it as a thanks for making homemade pastries, these are kind of rare these days.." I smiled warmly at the nice smelling bag I had. The women performed a knee on the ground Japanese bow. I mentally widened my eyes, those are really rare.

"You must be an angel messenger..." Was she crying? Wow, what a dramatic women, but I really can't blame her. I smiled warmly as I preformed a japanese bow as well. Then I walked away.

I took another sniff of the bag, and smiled. Homemade food much less simple baking was extremely rare to find here. Usually all the food is made by machines or robots and humans do barely any work. I do not understand why, I find so much joy in baking and cooking myself, however my skill is nowhere near the level of a cooking robot.

I looked up to see the sun setting, I slightly grimaced as I remembered the news I heard earlier, that humans were now setting up a study to see if they can somehow control time. Sigh. Humans are such strange and crazy creatures.

Don't get me wrong. I know I just insulted myself since I am a human, but I acknowledge myself as different from the others, since I am the only human in history and on earth who can use 20% of her brain. And I am aware that I have many . . . . abilities, thanks to that which I still haven't fully explored. I'm still escaping all those scientists who want to do crazy things to me.... Its kind of scary, but nothing I can't handle....for now.

The sky started to turn pink and orange, my signal to go home. Now which home I should go to... I have dozens thanks to my Dad's crazy inventions or the money I make myself.

I slid my right hand while saying my name in a whisper, "Hiroko Yui." A small sort of clear through menu page appeared. Just like in the anime Sword Art online. Even if this is created by some random crazy inventor, I can't help but think that they might have gotten this idea from that anime.

I sent a message to my robotic car and in a instance it appeared. I opened the door and went inside, not bothering to wait for the door to automatic open itself, its so much quicker to do things yourself then let robotic unliving things do it for you.

Detective Conan/Magic Kaito 1412: Anime Machine . . . Gone somewhat wrong.Where stories live. Discover now