Chapter one

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Sun breaks through the thin branches acting as nature's awakening system as I grunt and throw an arm over to shield my eyes from the hellish beams. Birds chirp in the background in harmony with one another as I grimace and sigh from the annoyance of having to listen to this at such an ungodly hour in the morning. I hear shuffling along with a rather hushed voice sigh and say,"Oh poor Thunder Beast, something interrupt your peaceful slumber?" There towering above me is a rather wide awake and ready Yoon, hands on his hips with a slight smirk on his face . "Nothing interrupts me, mother," I reply, stretching my sore limbs from sleeping on the rugged grass bank up against an aged tree that had bark peeling from it left, right and centre. "Call me mother one more time Thunder Beast and I'll..." His pause got my attention. "Finish your sentence," I bark back until he waves a finger in my face,"Uh uh,not in front of Yona." I feel my face rise in temperature as I turn to see the red head rise from her cradle that Kija insisted be his arms, I could kill him.
"Ah, Yoon. Anything I can help with?" Her optimism in helping him, regardless of her being exhausted shows her progression in strength and willpower. Once she was a spoilt little princess that had everyone including myself waiting on her foot for word but now, now she has only the four dragons destined to her, Yoon who has became like a best friend to her and me. Me, the Thunder Beast that she wants to protect. If only she knew that,if I could,I'd wrap her up in a blanket,bind it tightly and never let her go into the cruelty of this world that has already begun to etch its way into her once innocent heart. Her face has grown with wisdom,her body with determination and her mind with motivation for one thing,to reclaim the kingdom snatched cruelly from her late father.

"Hey, what are you starting at?" She playfully jabs my arm as she hands me a bowl of Yuns famous mountain vegetable stew. "There better not be bugs in there Yoon!" "Oh great, there goes the peaceful morning," I grumble as I turn to the White Snake rising from his slumber, gasping as Yona was missing from his arms, only settling down when she whistles gaining his attention resulting in a smile to creep along his face in a quick fashion. "Kija, you either eat this or make your own," sighs Yoon,already irritated by the antic of this morning. "Fine, I shall cherish this meal you have prepared for me," answers Kija sheepishly as he analysis the various shades of green lining the bowl whilst sitting next to a content Yona, eating her food happily. "How the princess does it, I'm not sure," mumbles Kija as he slumps the soggy stewed grass. Yona chuckles as she sees the facial expressions emitting of White Snakes face as he retorts in disgust. "He can you not love Mountain Veg, White Dragon?" Jae-ha yawns as he sits far too close to me, his arm nudging mine. "Watch it, pervert!" I nudge him as he glares at me, Yoon exasperating loudly, still holding his breakfast. "Zeno says it's too early too argue, especially in front of Miss," Zeno interrupts our dispute as he sits cross legged on the ground , his hands held high in the air like a child wanting to be lifted. "Zenos right, cut it you two." Yonas suddenness has us all bewildered, she's not usually so blunt. "Yeah! You tell them Yona!" Yoon chimes as he supports the sassy response of his best friend. Yona laughs and winks at him then turns to glare at Jae-ha and I for a moment to ensure that we were on our best behaviour. "And here's the best behaved, good morning Shin-ha!" Yona leaves her seat for Shin-ha to take as she hugs her blue Dragon good morning. Damnit. Why does she not hug me like that? "Jealous Hak?" I punch the sarcastic wise ass Jae-ha, knocking him flat on his back as Yona sighs and turns to me with that face. "Sorry, here," I say as I stick my hand out to which Jae-ha reaches for and says,"Acting good for the girlfriend I see." I let go off his hand as he flops back once again, Yona looking at me with an approving face before adding, "You deserved that Jae-ha." "When am I ever going to have a peaceful morning.Once, that's all I ask," huffs Yoon as we !laugh. He will never get another peaceful morning.

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