The dreams

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Ceil's POV
"My first night at home with a demon butler what joy." Says Ceil sarcastically to Sebastian. "Well you know I could have left you there half dead so just be glad you're home safe and sound." Says Sebastian as he puts ceil to sleep "yea you're right well then goodnight demon" "Goodnight young master until tomorrow."
15 minutes later
As ceil dreams about the horrible things that happened to him something happens. As Ceil lays on the table half dead a little girl comes in wearing a cute black dress that stopped above her knees. As she walks closer to him Ceil sees blood stains on her dress which gets him scared then he's out. When Ceil walks up Sebastian is standing in front of him with a cup of tea (Earl Grey) "what is the matter my lord it seems like you seen a ghost" says Sebastian questionably "No it's the same dream as 2 years ago" Ceil has been seeing that girl in his dreams for 3 months but the 3rd month the dreams stopped and Ceil never saw her again. "The dream with that little girl again but I thought they have stopped" "they did but I guess she's trying to say something like do you remember me but I'm not sure" says Ceil as he finishes his tea "What's today's schedule" "at 1:00 Lady Elizabeth is coming over, then 3:00 is your violin lessons" and etc. "Today will be a great day I know it" says ceil sarcastically "wait you said at 1:00 Lizzy's coming right?" "Yes why?" what time is it?" Checks clock 12:55! WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?!
(Omg my first book yes I finally made one thank you guys so much for reading this I hoped y'all like it until next time bye)

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