The talk

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"Boy I'm stuffed thank you so much for the food bro" "you're welcome rider" "by the way what is your full name" "oh it's Alice Rider Michaelis but the people that I can trust can call me Rider you can call me Alice" "alright than wait you don't trust me" "sorry but I just met you but I'll begin to trust but slowly" ceil pouts "ha.. You're so cute ceil I just want you as MY master" don't get to cocky rider" "oops sorry Bassy" "Bassy?" "yes even if Grell calls me that I let her say it before he came" starts to laugh "Bassy oh god that's hilarious" rider moves quickly to ceil faster than Sebastian "what did you say?" in a very deep but angry voice "ok I'm sorry gosh can't you take joke" "yes but if you talk about my brother or make fun of him I'll show you no mercy" Sebastian starts to laugh "what's so funny" "to see my sister this mad and over protective over me is quite amusing" "that's true because I don't want to lose you the way we lost mom and dad" runs over to him and starts to cry "I missed  you so much that it thought you died but I finally found you also how the did you get taller than me I'm the oldest here" "maybe you're meant to be short" "WHAT!" Punches him in the gut and spits out blood than falls to his knees "ow oh I missed your death punches and now they hurt more than ever" as Sebastian laughed so did Alice and ceil "well I'm pretty tried I'm going to sleep night" "wait not on-" Alice glares at both ceil and Sebastian "ok but I'm sleeping on the left side"
2 hours later
Ceil starts having those dreams again but when the girl entered she was different she was taller than the last time and the background started to change "what's happening" "ceil do you know who I am" "Al.. Alice" "yes" a figure comes out behind him "it is you but your hair and eyes are different" "yes because this what I look like when I'm in dreams that's right ceil I AM A NIGHTMARE!!!!!" Ceil gasp and holds his hand on his chest and than looks at Sebastian and Alice looking concerned are you "alright ceil" "yes thanks for asking Alice" "oh by the way master you have an investigation from the trancy manor for party tonight" "I WANT TO GO PLZ" yelling Alice happily "Ok we'll go" gasp "yes I LOVE YOU BOTH but wait I have nothing to wear" well master would you like to go shopping before we go" "of course we can she is your sister and my new servant" "wow really thank you so much Ceil" kisses both ceil and Sebastian in the cheeks "I'll ask May-Rin for a dress be right back"

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