Sebastian's what?!

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"YOUR SISTER?!" "yes but I'll tell you the details later right now we have tend to her wounds lets go"
15mins of explaining
"And that's how we were separated" "wow that's so sad"Lizzy starts to cry "alright I'm going to take her to your room master" "What why my room?!" "because it's closer to the stairs so I can check on her or if something happens I can get there fast ok" "fine" enters the manor "welco- oh who's that" "not now" Finny rushes to Ceils room and tends to Alice's wounds
3 hours later
"Agh.. What ha-" "YAY you're awake Sebastian everyone she finally woke up" they both hear footsteps running up the stairs and the door is swings open afraid Alice falls off the bed and finds a pistol under the pillow "woah put the gun down Rider it's me your brother" Rider regains her memory of what had happened "Seba... Sebastian" tears up hugs him "I thought I never see you again" "me nether" hugs back "so who are these people" "these are the servants of the manor" "cool so.. I'm hungry can you make me some food dear brother" "of course can one of you three stay here" "sorry we have to go to a party today maybe next time later" "well than master you have to stay here" "alright go make me something as well" "as you wish" everyone leaves "so who's older" "me" "what you look like a 12 year old" "yea but I'm actually 2,000,000,000 he's the same but he was 5 mins late" "wow never mind" both giggle "so how's having a demon as a butler?" "going great just fantastic" giggles "yea but where did he mark it" "on my eye" "let me see"?takes off eye patch "did it hurt yes a lot" "oh" kisses his eye "what was that for?" blushes hardcore giggles "to see your reaction anyway.." pulls Ceil close to her and now laying down "what are you-" Sebastian comes in "here are your-" shock and now angered "young lord what are you doing to my sister" "no I didn't do-" "now what would happen if lady Elizabeth found out" "I didn't ugh..."
Sits up and goes to a chair in the room giggles "it was my fault don't get angry at him" "if you say so Rider"

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