Chapter 2- Roaming

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Victoria's POV

I woke up the next morning and took a shower, the water was hot and took a while to cool down.
After my long shower I stepped out and dried my hair. I stepped out into the hotel room and set out my clothes.
I put on my dark wash jeans and lavender tank top. I put on my black leather jacket and black vans.
Looking at the clock it was now 10:00 in the morning. I sighed, grabbed my book off the table and headed downstairs where my mother instructed I be.

I closed the door to my hotel room and headed down the hall. I turned the corner and accidentally ran into someone and dropped my book.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going", I said. The man bent down and picked up my book, when his face was visible I noticed he was really attractive. I pushed that thought quickly out of my mind.
A small smile appeared on his face when his eyes met mine, and he handed my book to me.
"It's quite alright", woah his voice was very handsome- Victoria! Stop. "And The Great Gatsby? My do you have a good taste in literature. What's your name beautiful?", he asked with another smile. I held my book to my chest and smiled, as I looked down and blushed slightly.
I looked back up at him. "Victoria. Victoria Richards", I say. His smile never goes away. "And yours?"
"James. James March", he slightly bows. Woah he's very proper. "Well, I hope to see you around Ms. Richards", he winks and walks away.

Weird. I've always had this feeling since I was a kid whenever something was... off. I had the same cold feeling in my dream last night.

I watched as a woman ran down the hallway screaming for help. I tried to help her but my feet seemed to be stuck to the ground. She ran into this man and pleaded for his help. I couldn't hear what he said but suddenly he killed her.

I couldn't see his face. It was too dark and my eyes were watering.

I woke up screaming.
As I reached the lobby I see Elizabeth and my mother talking, she notices my presence and calls out to me.
"Ah Victoria! How was your sleep last night?", she asks.
"Quite well"
"Well, that's great to hear. Listen, your mother and I are going to grab some brunch. Would you care to join?"
"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm going to roam around the hotel to get used to where I'm going", I said.
"Okay, well there's breakfast in the main hall if you would like some", she finishes and they walk out.

I head to the second floor and spend most of my day roaming around the hotel. The historic architecture is just so beautiful.
By the time I'm done, it's 8:00, so I decide to grab a seat at a table on the second floor and read my book.
After a while, I hear the chair across the table slide and someone takes that seat. I glance up to see James.
"And how is a dashing girl like you sitting alone tonight?", he asks with a small smile. I close my book and giggle at his comment.
"Stuck in a phase called Boredom I suppose", I shrug.
"And why is that?"
"Seeing as I have to spend a month here, there's not much to do. But I mean I shouldn't complain, the architecture is just breathtaking. I could just look at these fixtures forever", I say. His smile grows bigger. "How long have you been here?", I ask.
"For as long as I can remember", he looked at his hands with a puzzled look. I decide not to question it.
"So, Mr. March. Care to tell me any historical stories about this place?"
"When the time comes", he states and stands up. "I'll see you around Ms. Richards", and he walked away. Why does he keep leaving looking puzzled.
James POV

What are these emotions I'm feeling?! It's like everytime I'm around this woman, I start to feel something- no! You can't feel! Your a monster! Your mind is just playing games on you. She's just like every girl in the world, not perfect...
But somewhere deep inside, I knew I felt something for her. I just didn't know what..
Word count: 640

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