Chapter 7- Careless

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Victoria's POV

My mother barged in my room with a smile on her face.

"What is it mom?", I asked her. She's almost never happy.

"I'm going to Paris with Elizabeth!!!"

"That's great mom! When are you leaving?"



"Oh I know honey. I just thought that since you take such an interest in this hotel Elizabeth suggested you stay here and take control for a week. How does that sound?", she asked me. I kind of wanted to go home after that incident which I'm not sure was real... But it felt real. I faked a smile and hugged her.

"Have fun mom. Be safe and call me every night". She smiled at that and ran to go pack her things. I sighed and got ready for the day. Still thinking about what the hell went on last night. Deciding if it was a dream... Or a coverup to the truth...
I was walking up and down the halls of the hotel looking for my book. It has to be around here somewhere. It didn't just get up and leave.

I was thirsty so I grabbed a glass of water and walked up to the ice machine. Then something weird happened.

I stuck my hand above the ice, palm of my hand facing the ice... All of it sudden it all turned to water. I dropped my glass as I jumped back.

"What the hell?!" I said aloud. My back started to hurt seeing as when I jumped back I hit the wall. I speeded down the hall and back to my room. I shut and locked the door.

Let's try this.

I looked at my wardrobe and flung my wrist. Then the door swung open. I started to breathe heavily. Sweat dripping from my forehead. I ran to the bathroom and accidentally had my palm towards the water. The water poured out of he sink like an explosion and I flew against the wall.

The water stopped and my whole body was soaked. I started crying and hyperventilating. I stood up and ran out the door towards the window.

What the hell am I?!

I opened the curtains to the opened window and stood on the ledge. I inhaled the air from the night. I started to get dizzy and could feel my legs were about to give out.

Then a pair of strong arms grabbed me  and pulled me out of the window. I couldn't tell who it was until he spoke... James.

"You're hearts beating like a hummingbird", he spoke. I felt sparks when he held on to me, but another half wanted me to run away.

"Let me go!", I yelled in tears. He shushed me and I tried to control my breathing.

"No", he said. "I don't suppose I will". We backed away from the window, him still holding on to me. Then I turned back and we glanced in each other's eyes. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my tears away as he spoke. "In fact, I may never let you go".

I don't know what is was that caused me do to this, but I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me, as I did the same to him.

What caused me to be so careless??

Was it that I was scared of the events before? Was it the fact he saved me? I am unsure, but I do know this.. Apart of me is falling for him, but another says to stay away. It's like a war. You don't know who wins until the end.

Word Count: 608

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