Look out Cyllage city!

434 5 7

(Y/n)'s p.o.v
"Fenne!" I was cut off from leaving by a small, orange and yellow fox Pokemon jumping infront of me.

"Professor, isn't that-" Sophie started but was interrupted by him.


"Fenne!" The Pokemon barked. The fox than jogged up to my leg and put his front paws on my knee while his tail was wagging happily.

"Looks like that little trouble maker sees you worthy of its time." I looked at the professor confused out of my mind. "That Pokemon is called a Fennekin. It's Kalos' fire type starter and that particular one," He explained while pointing to the fire type, "Doesn't like anybody, that was until you came along. How about you take him with you? I'll even give you a pokedex so when you find a Pokemon you don't know, you can search it up?"

"Really?" Sycamore nodded and an ecstatic grin formed on my face. Sophie left for a few minutes before returning with a pokeball and a pokedex. "Grazie! I'll take good care of him!" I thanked both of them as I took the items from Sophie and left with Fennekin.

⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️~Time Skip~Next Morning~⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️⌛️

My eyes fluttered open to see a certain fox's face peacefully sleeping between my pillow and the wall. As quietly as I could, I slipped out of bed and opened the wardrobe. I grabbed a pair of dark blue shorts and a (2F/c) crop top from the coat hangers. From the beside table I grabbed my black belt and (f/g) beaded necklace with my key stone back in it's place. I put my (h/c) hair up into two pigtails (if you have long hair it's high, short, it's low) and slipped on a pair of black sandals. (Refer to picture.)

"Fenne!" My new Fennekin, Natsu cheered in approval. I laughed quietly as I strode out my room and to the kitchen with him on my tail.

"What type of coffee do you recommend? Espresso or cappuccino?" I asked Natsu. He tapped twice on the counter. "Cappuccino it is. What about what to have with my Biscotti? Brioche or a cornetto?" This time he tapped once. "How come you always make the best choices? Brioche it is."

"Mattina {1}." Ivala bid us, yawning as she walked over.

"Mattina Ivala. Are we ready to go?" I asked as I took a bite out of my brioche.

"Si. Tenshi and Cliara will come get us when we're leaving." We had just about finished breakfast when a knock was heard.

"Mattina (y/n)! Ivala! Other Pokemon?" Tenshi greeted, staring at Natsu on my (nd/h) shoulder. She was wearing a simple blue dress accompanied by a golden cross necklace and a dark blue wrist band.

"Natsu, his name is Natsu and he is a Fennekin. The fire type starter here in Kalos."

"Did you get him yesterday?" Cliara came into view wearing black shorts and a purple shirt with a matching wristband to Tenshi.


"Are we ready to go?" Ivala showed up next me with my (4F/c) shoulder strap bag which I proceeded to loop my head and one of my arms through. Tenshi nodded excitedly, rushing towards to elevators with myself and the others following. After handing the receptionist our room keys, I proceeded to leave, heading west as to take the long way to route 5. The others watched me in confusion at first, turning towards each other and shrugging before catching up to me. As the Pokemon lab came into view, I took a mental note to visit the place next time I came to Lumiose.

"Feeeeennneeeee" Natsu growled from my shoulder, looking up into the third floor window of the lab. I followed his gaze to see the professor's grey eyes staring back into my (e/c) ones. They held what seemed to be suspicion, but curiosity at the same time. I stopped walking and stared at him, trying to figure out what was going through his head. It didn't take him long to realise that I wasn't going to move until he did. The professor nodded his head slightly, closing his eyes while doing so, and walking away from the window.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cliara asked, making me jump since I wasn't paying attention.

"Huh? Oh, yea, I'm fine. Let's go already!" I put a smile on my face as I jogged in front of the others, Natsu and Ivala on either side of me. Soon enough, the brown gate leading to route 5 was towering above us. I took a sharp breath before proceeding, passing by the gate attendant and out onto the grassy route. I exhaled heavily as I took in my surroundings. It was mainly grass and dirt for the road but there was a small skate park to my right with cones and railings to stake around. As we were walking along, a trainer challenged me.

"Hey you!" She said, "I see you have a few Pokemon. How about a battle? Oh, and my name is Alyssa."

"Sure, why not? Cliara, would you be so kind?" Cliara took her position on the sideline as the referee, Tenshi and Ivala behind her.

"Any amount of Pokemon, anyone is allowed to swap out or heal them up their Pokemon. Does that sound alright to you (y/n)?" Cliara turned towards me.


"Alyssa?" She then swivelled to my opponent.

"Fine by me."

"Bring out both Pokemon!"

"Natsu!" I commanded my new Fennekin to take his stance on the battle field. 'This will be the perfect opportunity to see what you can do!'

"Ledyba!" I whipped out my pokedex to see it's entry.

"Ledyba, the five star Pokemon. When the weather turns cold, lots of Ledyba gather from everywhere to cluster and keep each other warm."  The robotic voice informed. On the screen there was its Dex number, 165, its height, 92.36 centimetres and it's weight, 10.8 kilograms. I shoved the device into my back pocket and waited for my bluette friend to give the all clear.

"Ready..." I slowed my breathing, "Set..." I focused on my target and anticipated her moves, "BATTLE!" Now we begin!

You finally left Lumiose! Yay! Sorry it is sort of a short chapter but I really wanted this chapter out by Wednesday.

{1} Morning

If that is a mistranslation or if there are spelling/grammar errors, please tell me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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