Battle at Lumiose City Gym!

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Ciel (Sea-ell)

Clemont's p.o.v
I waited within the Prism tower for (s/n). From Tenshi's confidence, saying that (s/n) was going to destroy me, and from the fact that she has a habit of challenging the gyms of each region she visits, I can assume that she is quite a strong trainer. This made me worry. Worry that all my Pokemon would be a 1 hit KO no matter how hard I tried. 'Then again, Ivala said that she went to the Pokemon centre to get lower levelled pokemon so I might be okay! She also said
(S/n) was ruthless and can be cruel to her opponent sometimes?' I thought, only getting more nervous as the minutes passes by. Soon, footsteps were heard. 'Speak of the Italian devil.' (S/n) walked into the room and onto the battlefield alone.

"Ciao~! I'm here to battle you gym leader! Oh and just to be nice, I won't use mega evolution unless you really want me too!" Her voice came out as if she was mocking me. Her lips were pulled back into a smirk, her lopsided, arms folded posture was calm and her (2F/c) hues were agitated in excitement. I could see (s/n) had six, normal poke balls on her leg strap. Coming onto the battlefield to join her, the smirk on her tanned face turned into an open grin, her calm posture faded away with anticipation replacing it, but the thing that changed the most was her eyes, they now were overwhelmed with power, screaming as if to say that she was going to destroy me.

'So this must be what Ivala meant by, "She can be ruthless and cruel to her opponents."' I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and spoke out. "You may use as many Pokemon as you wish as well as mega evolution. Also, do you mind if I record this battle for my friends to watch?"

"First off, I doubt I'll have any need for mega evolution now that I know who I am battling and no, I don't mind you recording. Now, who's refereeing?"

"I am!" Bonnie came out from the door behind me and walked into the middle of the arena. (S/n)'s dangerous gaze  softened at Bonnie's presence. My sister then jogged to the side lines and held up her hand. "As soon as both Pokemon are out of the poke balls the match will begin!"

(I have you know I played through the entire Pokemon Y game just to battle him for this book, and yes, this is the actual battle between Clemont and I in the game. You are welcome for this quality!)

"Si! Come on out Mattie!" (S/n) sent out a Charizard with a mega stone on it's wrist. He turned towards (s/n) and nodded, lifting himself off the ground with the rhythmic beats of his wings.

"Lets do this! Go Emolga!"

"Flame burst!" My foe made sure I had no way of dodging the attack by instructing Charizard as soon as Emolga emerged.

"Volt switch!" Emolga returned to me as I sent out Magneton.

"Okay, so that's how it is! You know what to do Mattie! Shadow Claw!" Not much damage made but I had feeling she had something big in store for me.

"Thunderbolt!" (S/n)'s (2F/c) eyes shifted upwards and to the left, the fire Pokemon following her telepathic command quickly, making my move miss.

"Fire fang!"

"Dodge!" K.O.

"Magneton is unable to battle. The winner for this round is (s/n)! Would you like to swap out your Pokemon?" Bonnie pointed her hand towards my opponent.

"No, Grazie."

"Round 2 begins as soon as Ane-chan's Pokemon is out of its poke ball. Go!" I immediately sent out Heliolisk, trying to get an attack in before she could command her Pokemon like she did to mine in the very beginning.

"Fire fang." I missed my chance.

"Thunderbolt!" Yes! Charizard was weak and paralysed. 'One more move and he won't be able to battle anymore!' I thought. It had been a long time since I had a gym battle like this.

"That's enough. Come on back Mattie, you did great." She held out her poke ball as he returned. "Your turn Taylor!" A female Talonflame emerged, repeating the action Charizard did, hovering over the ground.

"Quick attack!" Critical hit. 'She didn't even try to dodge!? What is she thinking?'

"Razor wind!" Her Talonfalme was quick to move.


"Your Pokemon are too slow." Talonflame dodged the attack by a mile, circling Heliolisk and using razor wind.

"Turn around! Use thunderbolt one more time!" Talonflame was weak now, no longer able to fly.

"Roost." Her Pokemon, regained her strength and hovered once more. I used a hyper potion a Heliolisk. "Quick attack." Not much damage was done.

"Okay! Lets try this again! Thunderbolt." Finally!

"Talonflame is unable to battle! Ane-chan is the winner of round 2. Please send out your next Pokemon!" Bonnie directed her hand towards me this time.

"Return Taylor. Thank you for all your hard work. Im sick of playing now. Do me proud Ciel. "She threw her pokeball and out came a Victini. "Flamethrower." Her face was serious, she really was just playing around before! (Victini is the replacement for my starter Pokemon.)

"Thunderbolt!" It did next to no damage. I used my last hyper potion as I was starting to lose.

"Aren't you tired of using that move? Psyshock." Critical hit.


"Flame charge." (S/n) became relentless in the blink of an eye. I didn't have enough time to tell him to dodge.

"Heliolisk is no longer able to battle. Victini is the winner for round 3! Please send out your next Pokemon. This is the last round."

"Come on out one more time Emolga!"

"Flame charge."

"The victor of this battle is (s/n). Time to hand over the badge ane-chan."

"You're right." I reached into my back pocket and grabbed the voltage badge. Handing it to my Italian foe, I said, "Here. Tenshi was right, you are strong!" (S/n) thanked me with a smile and took the badge. As she left Bonnie turned to me and said something quite interesting.

"You know, she looked like she was going super easy throughout the battle, including the last round."

~End of chapter~
Hey! How's it going? Sorry that this is a short chapter compared to the others. First off, thank you falcy09 for your support. I really appreciate it! Just in case you were wondering what my starter was [and haven't figured it out yet by the type of Victini], it was Fennekin. The other Pokemon that I had besides, my Charizard, Talonflame and Delphox were a Lucario, Vivillion [My personal favourite], and a Lapras. Tell me I'm the comments what Pokemon you have on your team is you have the games or if you don't have them, tell me what Pokemon you would like to have. I am honestly interested!

See ya!

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