Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sarah POV

          “Sarah I want to know why that boy dropped you off!”  My mother yelled while following me into my room as I sat on my bed.


          “Me being clumsy as usual I tripped over a rock and fell so I scraped my knee pretty bad.”

          “I knew I should’ve picked you up!”  She grabbed her forehead before looking at me again. “How did your knee get bandaged up?”

          “Um well Leo took me back to his house to clean up.”  I said waiting for her response.

          “Did he try to make a move on you or anything?  If so I will have him -!”

          “No mom he just cleaned me up and, drove me home!”  I said raising my tone a bit.

          “Excuse me young lady don’t you dare speak to me that way!”  She said stepping closer to me.

          “For once in my life someone helps me and, you want to judge him. I swear-.”  I was interrupted by my mother’s hand slapping me across the face.

          “Don’t you ever swear at me again little girl!”  She glared at me before storming out my room slamming the door.

          I was too shocked to do anything for about 10 minutes. After the shock began to wear off I cried for at least 20 minutes. I feel so empty I’ve tried calling Jess but, whenever I do she has too go her modeling career is really taking off. But, anyway my mother has never put her hands on me so this was even more confusing and hurtful.  Walking over to my vanity mirror a huge red hand print was plastered on my right cheek.  I have a strong feeling I will have a bruise in the morning.  I decided I needed cool down time so I took a nice relaxing 30 minute shower.  Afterwards I finished my homework and, read this book I picked up from the library yesterday at school.

          “Sarah dinner is ready!” My dad said from outside my room.

          “Ok I’ll be down in a second.”  The only reason I wanted to go down is so my dad can see my face.

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