I stood there. Watching. Watching the fire as it turned his corpse to ash and smoke; lifting his spirit to the world beyond. I was aware of everything: the different scents, the people, the animals, and even the trees and bushes. I kept an eye on everyone. Even the guards. Being trained by many different types of warriors, including an assassin, made me aware of everything. I was alert, ready for anything. I especially kept a close watch over my cousin, Eros. His father, King Eragos had been assassinated only two days ago. Someone could easily be targeting his only son and sole heir to the throne as well. I could see the pain in my cousin's eyes as his father burned. He tried to act strong and I'm sure everyone believed he was. He could hide it from them, but not me. To me he was like an open book that I had read time and time again. I had not seen such sad eyes in nine years. My uncle had the same look then, as his son now had for him.
Before the ceremony ended, Eros was to give a speech in his father's honor. We all waited, but Eros did not move. He did not look away from the last few burning coals of the fire. He seemed transfixed and stunned at the reality before him. As if it had just now occurred to him that his father, King of Ceres, was dead. He was more than just dead; he had left this world for eternity. Eros would never again be able to see his father's face smiling at him. Never again. Just like me.
"Eros?" I asked softly while grasping his shoulder gently. He looked at me slowly with his deep, blue eyes. They were full of pain, loss, despair, and confusion. "Eros? Will you give the speech or...?"
"Yes, of course." I could hear the quiver in his voice. Worried, I followed him to the front of the crowd. I stood close enough to him to help if he was attacked, but far enough away so not to be imposing.
"Thank you for being here to honor and celebrate my father's life," Eros began. "He would not want us to mourn him in death, but to look to the future of this Land and its people. He always would help others if he could. When I would ask him for a gift, he would say to me, 'Eros, my son, just because we can have something doesn't mean that we need it. Others could use this money for more important things. Things they needed, such as food, and you should always help them before yourself. If you do, you will be remembered as a great king and a great friend.' I believe in what he says and I may or may not be great for who knows what reasons. I also believe that he is and will always be the greatest King of Ceres that we will ever know. Thank you for your support and for honoring my father's memory. Let us all continue to do so by looking to the future together." With Eros's final words, it was over. Everyone left: Some crying, some solemn.
I followed my cousin back to his father's study, which now belonged to Eros. He stopped in the middle of the room and dismissed the guards, which included four of his own and two of mine. The room contained two bookshelves, one large desk with a chair, and two chairs that sat across from the desk. Papers covered the desk in scattered, disorganized masses. There also was a single window to let in light and fresh air. I watched Eros waiting for him to speak. He just stood there with his back to me. His hand fingered the broad sword at his side. Only a few minutes had passed, but it seemed like hours before he spoke.
"Nikki...?" Eros asked turning toward me. "Does it ever go away? This...feeling. This...pain." Tears spilled from his eyes.
"...Eros...I wish I could say it did, doesn't. At least not for me it didn't." He fell to his knees crying.
"W-What do I do n-now? H-He's gone!" He wept harder. I knelt next to him and embraced him.
"The feeling may never go away, but you aren't alone in this. I'm here and I will help you in every possible away," I said to him softly. "I'm here."

The Betrayed
FantasyDarkness has fallen across the land of Ceres. The king has been assassinated and the only heir, Eros, has run away with his cousin, Nikki. The king's adviser, Jerrog, has turned the kingdom against Eros and Nikki, saying that they slaughtered the ki...