Ikki in love!

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Remember I told you my son started to like a girl? Well Ikki is first starting to have this strange feeling I experimented when I was a young hanyo, crazy right? My son is 12 years old and he is already having butterflies in the stomach.

I told kagome what was happing with our son, because he was all day long sighing and saying funny stuff such as: love is beautiful, isn't it dad? Mom, when was the first time you've ever kissed Dad? Is hugging when someone is sad different from hugging someone when you're happy?

So Kagome was just impressed, and whispered to me: Are you sure Ikki is okay? I just laughed and said: -Hey, he'll be fine I felt the same when I was with Kik.., um.. you. -WERE YOU ABOUT TO SAY KIKYO?!- Kagome replied. -Uh, no h-honey I was talking about you, you know I love you, don't you? -I think so, she said. -YOU THINK SO?! well, let this prove it (large and beautiful kiss) -How about now?

Ikki interrupted and said -Oh, that was beautiful- I was just shocked because when we kissed he'd normally say -EWW!- but now.. I really don't know what to think, he took this love thing seriously, he really loves that Kyori girl.

I asked him how important Kyori was for him, he sighed -Oh, that beautiful name, that beautiful girl she... she's just gorgeous, intelligent and perfect. My eyes opened widely, his sisters started to giggle. I told them not to make fun of him or else they'll be grounded, yeah, I'm good with discipline.

We then went back to the feudal era. Ikki asked me if he could spend some time with Kaede, when he came back, after 4 hours, he told me if I knew what the red thread of destiny was. I told him I knew about it, two people are joined by destiny calling with an invisible red thread that appeared redder when they were close to each other, these two people fall in love, the thread can tense, tangle, but never break. He told me he was able to see it, and he had seen it before with Kagome and me.

So now my son has powers, or he is a cupid, or love hit him hard or he is just joking around trying to impress us.

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