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OK guys this is the first time we celebrate christmas, since Kagome never told us what was it. Last weekend Ikki and Sakura were running in the forest, Kimi followed while singing. They saw Sesshomaru with Rin, they just screamed and went to hug their uncle and aunt. Rin was very happy, and told my children "Merry christmas you guys" Kimi asked -What's Chistmas aunt Rin? then Kagome said -Children, Christmas is a festivity that your uncle Sota, grandma and I used to have in the modern world. You know, there is this man with long white hair and red suit who gives out presents for the Children who behaved very well in all the year.

At that moment Kimi, Ikki and Sakura went to hug me and said -Daddy we've behaved Ok, where are our presents?  HAHA they thought Santa Claus was me! aww my children with that innocence. Then Kagome and Rin explained that he was called Santa Claus and he put the gifts under a pine tree which needs to be decorated and with a little plate of cookies and a glass of milk in a table.

I said we were going to Miroku's and Sango's place to set the pine tree and have Chistmas party over there. Miroku's babies were also excited to see Santa with all their gifts. Kagome and Sango encouraged the Children to behave excellently for Santa to give them their presents. After that Koga, Ayame and his son Kaishiro came over and we all slept because the next day we would have the big Christmas party.

At the next morning Kagome and Ayame cooked breakfast which was delicious and children washed the dishes because they said Santa would give them an extra special gift if they helped. Koga and I went to cut wood for the fireplace and Miroku went for the Christmas Tree while Ayame and Rin waited to adorn it. Sesshomaru was playing with the children (which wasn't very normal coming from him) and Kagome was baking cookies. When we came back the temperature started to drop from 18 C° to 4° C which made me thought children would be freezing, instead they were dancing eagerly and waiting for temperature to drop even more to see for the first time snow. 

As soon as they demanded for a chilling temperature a snowflake came flying and landed in my nose. Kagome giggled and wiped it away, not even 10 minutes passed and all the forest was covered in white snow. Sesshomaru, Koga and I went with our children to play in snow, while the women stayed home and prepared dinner. When they finished we all played snow wars. We had a blast, even Mioga, Kohaku, and Totosai came over to play.

We went to eat dinner after 2 hours of playing, after everyone finished "Santa" arrived my children were so excited that they all started hugging Santa (Sesshomaru) and he gave away almost 26 presents. Apparently Kagome, Sango and Ayame made fun of us because they told santa to give us presents which were made by them. 

After all we had a very very awesome christmas, to be honest the best Christmas our children could ever have.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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