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By the time I got home I was furious, after I walked in the door, I slammed it with all of my might. That asshole of a doctor had interrupted me telling her what I knew had happened. Who would tell her now?

But why had I left the hospital, why hadn't I just stayed there, and waited until the doctor was done.

God, I swear I'm the biggest idiot there ever was.

I picked up my keys from the table and rushed back out the door.


By the time I had made it back to the part of the city that the hospital was in, it was almost noon. I realized this time I shouldn't walk in there empty handed. So I stopped at a florists shop, and instantly regretted my choice as I was surrounded by dozens upon dozens of very strong smelling flowers.

"Can I help you?" A perky little voice came from behind me, and of course it jumped me.

I turned around to look downwards into the eyes of a tan, brunette, who possibly went to my school.

"Oh my gosh, Jason! Why weren't you at school today? Everyone thinks that you're like on something!" She of course continued in her high-pitched voice until I finally put a hand on her arm.

"Sweety, I get it, but would you mind helping me pick out some flowers for my friends dad. He's in the hospital. I'll tell everyone to come get their prom flowers here..." I trailed off and her eyes lit up like the fourth of july.

"Oh my gosh, you're like, so sweet! Here I'll get you the best ones we have!" She ran off to the back of the store as I waited anxiously in front of the counter.

I realized if this had been the beginning of the school year before I decided my target was Samantha, I probably would've gone after this easy girl. I wouldn't have even thought twice about it.

Shit, I'm starting to care.

But I never care...

After the girl came back, I paid for the flowers and left in a hurry, checking my phone, and noticing it was past noon made my stomach rumble. I tried to ignore the rumbling, but as i got into my car it got even louder.

The hospital would only have crappy hospital food, so I decided to go to my favorite pizzeria and pick up a pizza for us to share.


I rushed into the hospital looking like a mad-man. Or just a teenage guy with a pizza box, and beautiful but slightly drooping flowers, and an exasperated face. Not even bothering to check in, I made sure the front desk nurse was looking the other way, then made my way to Samantha's room.

"Well that sure took you long enough, I got a question for you." Samantha said in a menacing tone, as I set the pizza box on her tray table thing.

"I'm sorry, what is it?" I asked hesitantly, figuring if she asked me to leave, I'd be grabbing the pizza on my way out.

"You pick up your balls on the way back here?" A devilish grin appeared on her lips, as she opened up the pizza box, creating a sudden wall in between us.

Not like I was about to say anything anyway, I couldn't believe she had just said that to me. No girl had ever stood up to me, and this girl had been beaten up, but was still talking shit like we were in Photography class.

"You gonna sit there and wonder where you left them... or are you gonna have a slice of this towns best pizza and watch a lame, daytime, drama with me?" Her voice broke through my mental cloud of clashing thoughts.

"Uhm, yeah."

Wow, you're so good with the english language Jason.

I shook my head and tried to regain my confidence as I grabbed a slice and sat in the chair next to her bed.

She clicked the mute button and suddenly the room was filled with overly intense accusations of a love affair from some actress playing the main star of the show.


"Jason, wake the hell up..."

"Seriously, don't make me get out of this bed."

"I'm not kidding dwerp, if I get out of this, you'll be going straight into it!"

I woke with a start as I felt a stab in my left shoulder.

"What the hell was that for?" I grumbled as I my eyes fell upon her neck which was still darkly bruised.

"Well babycakes, you wouldn't wake up, and there's nurses going around checking the room for visitors, since it's time for them to leave." Her reply made me glance at the clock which read eight o' clock.

"Shit, I slept for seven hours?!"

"Yeah, you snored for six of them, and I thought about shoving some crust in your nose to make you stop...but then I remembered I would never put the towns best pizza crust through such a horrific ordeal." She always had such perfect sarcastic answers, it was beginning to make me admire her.

Shit. I don't admire girls personalities, I admire their bodies, what the hell is wrong with you Jason. Get it together man.

"Not my fault I've been up for almost two days straight." I muttered as I grabbed my jacket from the back of the chair.

"Sorry about that, seriously I am. I really wish he wouldn't have dragged you into this..."

"Don't say that. Would you really rather have nobody beside your bed?" I glanced at her as I finished zipping up my jacket, hoping she wouldn't give a sarcastic answer.

"No, but I'd rather have someone who didn't snore while Catrina gets accused of cheating on Blake." She plastered on a smile, and I shook my head.

"Someday you're gonna have to stop being sarcastic Sam."

"That'll be the day you stop being a cold-hearted douchebag Jason."

I didn't know how to respond to that, because I wasn't sure if I was the Jason she had met at the beginning of the year anymore. Obviously she still believed I was, but maybe I had changed. I turned and started walking towards the door.


"Yeah?" I turned around with the door handle in my grasp.

"Come back tomorrow...with a blueberry scone." Her lips gently lifting into a genuine smile I hadn't seen in a really long time...

Maybe she wasn't the same Samantha I'd met at the beginning of the year either.

I grinned, then left, getting yelled at by a nurse on my way through the waiting room.

/////////////////AUTHOR'S NOTE:

Alright so, I haven't uploaded in awhile (aka a really freakin' long time) and this isn't very much, but it's something. The fact that this story has more than 1,000 reads honestly makes me so happy, thankyou to everyone that's taken their time and read to this part. I love you all in a non-creepy-stranger-who-writes-a-book-I-like-on-the-internet way.

I will be updating a lot more over this upcoming week, seeing as it's my February vacation, and I think Samantha & Jason deserve to have more of their story told.

Alrighty, see you guys in another couple of chapters!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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