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The bells ringing echoed throughout the hallway.

Finally last block had arrived, it was time for photography with Samantha. Question is, was she actually going to ignore me for the rest of the year by switching places or not. My makeout session with whatever the girl's name was, had ended a couple minutes early, so I headed to class. As I rounded the corner, I heard her.

"Why can't I switch with Brody?! You know him and Jason are great friends, and Brody gets his work done, so it's nothing to get worried about!" She was trying to reign back her anger, it was pretty obvious.

"Samantha, you should know by now, I do not switch seats unless a students welfare is in danger. I'm sorry, you're just going to have to deal with it." Mr. Hoffman said, as nicely as he could.

I could hear her grumble some more and then sit down in her chair. I decided at this point it was a good time as any to walk in, and Mr. Hoffman looked right at me, and I grinned at him. He just sighed and shook his head. So I made my way to my seat next to Samantha.

"How's my photography buddy today?" I asked, slipping on one my grins that seemed to make girls swoon.

She looked up from the table she had been deeply staring at, looked me up and down once, then just went back to staring at the table.

That threw me off, girls seemed to want to fly out of their clothes when I used that grin. The fact that she had just checked me out, and appeared displeased to what she had seen basically made my head explode. I was in really good shape, why would she think I'm completely repulsive?!

I put my stuff down, and plopped down into my seat waiting for other kids to come filing in from wherever. I pulled out my phone and decided now would be a good time to not try to piss her off even more.

"Wanna hng out l8r?" I sent that text message to some chick named Carly. She seemed decent looking enough, and didn't always dress slutty, maybe she'd want to 'hangout' with me later.

"Are you seriously texting some chick trying to get laid right now?" I heard Samantha grumble underneath her breath.

"Of course I am. Maybe the reason why you're so uptight is because you haven't gotten laid in awhile!" I snapped back at her, getting upset that she was reading over my shoulder.

"Oh please. If I was like you at all, I'd have so many STD's they'd put me in guiness world records!" Her comment stunned me, I was surprised she not only feisty, and sexy, but also witty. Damn. That girl was good.

"Alright class, thank you all for putting away your cellphones, especially you Mr. Jones. I know you can't wait to start photography can you?" Mr. Hoffman, smiled. Making the whole class look over at me.

I grinned a huge smile at him, playing it off.

"Well, I'm so excited. I've already been trying to take pictures with my camera phone. I have a feeling an actual camera has better pixels than this, right Samantha?" I glanced over at her, doubting she'd go along.

"Actually, nowadays some cellphones actually have pretty decent cameras on them, right Mr. Hoffman?" She smiled a picture perfect smile at Mr. Hoffman, and he actually started discussing the topic with the class.

He had everyone take out their phones and try to decipher, how good everyone's phones were, and then had us place them on a table, with the worst one at left side, and the best on the right side. Damn, that girl had this teacher wrapped around her finger, better than I did. Now my interest was ten times greater than it had been before.

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