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_(n)_ blinked stretching as she felt the warm water hit her sore body. She slammed her head on the wall anime crying " why did I a free to this shit...." She blinked remembering what that weird girl kept telling her " wife ...dafuq is wrong with her....."


_(n)_ walked out her bathroom having the steam slowly fade out. She headed towards the oak drawer but stopped hearing something .

"Ohh wife ~~~~~~~~~"


She paled a ghost color white seeing the girl. BUT!!!!!! She was wearing sexy lingering " I have a welcome present for you ~~~" Alucard did kissing faces as she walked towards the woman. _(n)_ breath hard from her nose stepping back having her back slam on the wall seeing the crazy girl " why are you dress like that!!!!your 15!!!" " 500 actually " " what!!?" "Nothing ~~~~~~ come to daddy!!!"

_(n)_ jumped moving out the way making her slam on the wall. Alucard stumbled back laughing like an insane person having one eye big an the other small " I missed this type of playing !" " eh!!????" _(n)_ made a stupid expression stepping back as she clutched the towel more. The 15 year old smirked more while she cracked her neck.

"Now let me make you mine yet again~~~"

"Back off you"

The girl blinked raising an eyebrow waiting for a comeback. The woman stood frozen not knowing what to say. She remembered something .


"Water ?"

*spraying nosies ."

Alucard had the 'really' expression as she looked up at the woman "....but but ...." " Arthur's had holy water." " then by the power of god I make it holy." "......really." Alucard laughed face palming as her hand held her corset cover stomach.

"I'm going to wreck the hell out of you when you mature better ."


"Nothing ~~~"

_(n)_ stood there confuse yet paranoid eyeing the empty room. She eyed the place the crazy 15 year old stood once.

-------- 6 months later -----------

" pshhhhh"




_(n)_ opened her eyes meeting two large red once . Alucard blinked twice " can I tell you a secret." She sweated nervously seeing her eyes go larger then before as the girl smirked. "Okay....."
"I see big titties."

A shadow covered the woman's eyes while Alucard smirked widely chuckling as she was pushed off the bed slowly fading on the floor.


"Walter can you take this to Arthur " _(n)_ blinked placing the tea on the tray. The teenage boy blinked putting off his cigarette " why of course ." He smiled calmly but slowly glared meeting a 15 year old girls face " 100 meters away." Alucard placed a large ruler between them.
_(n)_ smiled having a shadow covering her eyes while Walter sigh shaking his head as he calmly left holding the silver tray.

"Can you stop with that!!"

"With what."

"Trying to make me stay antisocial it's annoying ! Not to mention I'm not your bloody wife !! Specially since you look like a 15 year old GIRL!!!!"

" I fail to see the problem."

She smirked blinking slowly while she glared down at her. The black haired woman blushed darkly trying to walk away but stopped seeing the girl get on her way " move." " why?" " I need to do stuff like train." " I can train with you all night long if you wish." "...................."

*enter a deep chuckle*


_(n)_ sigh holding on to Arthur " I need your assistance." The man looked at her confuse as he placed the pen down " what may it be ?" " Alucard." " ...yeah ...about that..." "Mm?" Arthur smirks nervously looking straight " Once he wants something he doesn't stop till he gets it."  A sigh left her lips as she puffed her cheeks.


_(n)_ blinked reloading her weapon calmly as she looked at the target a head from her. She smiled as a large vein formed on her forehead feeling something on her neck " GET OFF ME!!!!!!!" She smacked her head back hitting a hard surface.

A thud was heard along with a chuckle. The woman looked back glaring angrily seeing Alucard on the floor smirking widely with blood coming out her nose.

"Why are you following me everywhere !!! It's annoying ! "

"To protect !"

"Protect what???"

" dem  sexy buns ."



She smirked widely showing her canines making the woman pale looking in to the distance loosing all hope as the girl on the floor did a squeezing motion with her hands.

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