¿ HuSbAnD ?

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_(n)_ ran quickly with a terrified expression. She stumbled as she stood on the end of a cliff , the woman looked back breathing hard hearing the ghouls terrible moaning as they approach her direction.  "I don't have a lot of bullets left...."  She blinked holding her pistol nervously as she made a tight grip on it. The woman looked straight gasping in horror seeing the mass group of nazi ghouls running her direction.
She glared nodding to herself remembering what Walter said .' Stay calm. Stay calm.' She took a deep breath as she aimed.


"*static * AR-*static*ER!!!"

The blonde man blinked looking down at the radio quickly " hello?!" He moved the nod on it around trying to get a better signal.
Sir. Pensworth watched the Hellsing man struggle with the thing.

"Arthur, that sounded like a woman."

"Hehe yeah, she's...uhm well a helper as you say."

He smiled nervously at the glaring young man across from him.


"_(n)_...?? What is it ??"

"Send *static* ALU-*static* KYAHHH!!!!!*static / ghouls nazis moaning *"

Both men staid in silence with wide eyes.  The blonde man moved his gaze towards the other side  but smirked ' hehe...he knows.'


_(n)_ ran screaming bloody murders while being chased by the nazis, she looked back terrified as they attacked anything on their path. The woman stumbled slamming roughly on the floor from her not concentrating on her running. She quickly got up but froze seeing a red cape flowing on top of her.

Her _(e/c)_ eyes moved back as her cheeks went red seeing the tall handsome Romanian vampire. Alucard smirked having his glove close to his face " an order. My master."


Arthur smirked drinking wine as he looked out the window while sir.Pensworth nagged of his battle tactics.

"...permission to release level 1."


Alucard smirked evilly as his eyes wide ," sinking chrome , alpha 1, restriction , permitted to release ."

_(n)_ blinked frighten yet amazed watching the man or thing shift strange she yelled in fear seeing his arms fall to the floor as they turned in to centipedes, she trembled frighten watching a strange black blob looking thing form as he came out but with a black jumper, he growled hissing with a sinister smirk as his hair flew wildly on the wind showing how excited he was .

"Wife, stay close to Baskerville, your loyal husband shall return ~"


She smiled having a pale complexion along with a blue tint under her eye , her gaze moved to the side seeing a giant six eyed dog guarding her. Her mouth trembled as she looked straight watching the Romanian brutally decapitate the nazis. She twitched seeing everything glowing black.


A teenage girl was sitting on a chair moving her long tongue around boredly . Walter glared at her " stop that it's so disrespectful ." " your British mortal rules do not apply to my Romanian sexiness ." " that doesn't make any bloody sense " " it doesn't have to Limey man!" The butler glared leaving as the girl laughed at him.

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