Help Me Feel - One Shot: Brandon's POV

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A/N: This is a little thing I wrote because I needed something to do during school... It's the end of the chapter "As Time Went By", where Andrea almost dies, in his POV.

One Shot – Brandon POV.

Andrea kept saying she was fine, but from the way she was moving, I knew she wasn't. She was up and out of the classroom door before I could even say goodbye to her.

I sighed, putting my binder into my bag. I was on my way out myself when Mrs. Sevilla stopped me.

“Brandon, Andrea left her bag here. I know you two are close, so would you mind making sure she gets it?” She asked.

I nodded. “Sure, I can do that.” I went back to our desk, grabbing Andrea's bag and slinging it over my free shoulder. “Have a good weekend.”

“You too.” The teacher waved as I left. Once I was in the hallway, I began scrolling through my contacts for Andrea's number, frowning when I realized I'd never actually gotten it. I didn't want to, but I knew that I couldn't just wait until Monday to give her bag back. Something in me was telling me to call her, and call her now, so when I reached my car I knew what I had to do.

She probably had her number written somewhere - what person wouldn't? - and I was sure I could find it. So with a deep breath, I dove into Andrea's bag. The only thing I could find that might work was a number written in something that looked like a homework diary. I tried calling it, still searching curiously. No one answered, and I hung up without leaving message as I saw something glint at me when it hit the light.

Frowning, I took the object, freezing in my seat when I realized what it was. There was a little switch on the side that I clicked, my blood running cold when my thoughts were confirmed.

Why would Andrea have a knife in her bag?

I called Evie, using the same instinct that told me to call Andrea now. Evie knew the answer, I know she did. I started driving before I could tell myself to wait, as though my body was working faster than my brain.

“What's up, Brandon?” Evie answered her phone.

I didn't waste time. “Why is there a blade in Andrea's bag?” I asked. I had to know, though my mind had an idea. I refused to believe it though. Andrea couldn't be... she wouldn't...

Would she?

“Brandon, why do you have her bag?” Evie asked.

I groaned. “She left class in a hurry and left her bag behind. Now can you -,” I didn't get a chance to finish the sentence before Evie interrupted me.

“Have you called her?” She asked, sounding worried.

“Yeah, no answer. Evie, what's going on?” Her tone scared me, almost confirming what I'd thought, but I wouldn't believe it.

“Brandon, you need to get your ass over there!” Evie shouted.

I frowned. “Language,” I scolded, automatically. Maybe she was thirteen, but I didn't want her cussing until she was fifty.

“That's not the thing to worry about right now! You have to get over there if she's not answering. I don't care how many rules you have to break, get over there!” The fact that Evie sounded almost hysterical was enough to make me agree and press on the gas. It went against every instinct I had to break speeding laws, but if Evie was scared enough to practically cry down the phone, I would do it.

I reached Andrea's house, keeping Evie on the phone. “I'm at her house, stay on the line, okay?” I told her.

“Sure. Is she there?”

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