Chapter 4

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Your friends had met Chihiro. Now just how were you going to tell your parents? You can't possibly hide the fact that you were dating someone; they did tell you to introduce the 'lucky guy' when it comes down to it. Your conscience won't be able to take it if you hide your current status.

You were having dinner with your parents as you tried to think of a nice way to introduce the topic.

"Is there something you want to say?" your mother suddenly asked causing you to tense up.


"I am your mother," she laughed, "So what is it?"

You cleared your throat before speaking, "Well, there's this guy--"

"Who asked you out? My, you are certainly growing!" she laughed again and you could just feel your cheeks burn.

"And...I said..." you trailed off.

"Yes?" your father finished for you. "Just introduce him soon, so I'll know who to murder if you ever get your heart broken."

You fought the urge to roll your eyes and just sighed. At least they're cool with it.

"I'd love to meet him soon, dear," your mother smiled looking at you proudly.

"Soon," you replied smiling nervously a little. Hopefully, that guy would behave his self.


You found his next entry in your desk. You didn't bring up the matter about introducing him to your parents; it could wait(or more like you forgot because you got too excited when you saw the letter under your desk). Maybe some other time, but for now you'll just read his entry. You prepared yourself for the worst before reading it:

Mayuzumi Chihiro's Entry #2...

So this girl loves me too much. Haha, I kinda irked her; I can't help it, annoying her has been one of my greatest pleasure even before we became close friends(which was when she just so suddenly called me 'Chihiro' but that's for another entry), but just one smile from me and her mood instantly turned a hundred eighty degrees. Pretty easy, yeah? Anyway, before she considers breaking up... I'll write it here...

I love it when she gets flustered...because I know I'm the reason.

Before I get too sappy(she'd probably say it's creepy even though deep inside she likes it or loves it, even... she can be a tsundere, really.) I'll write the continuation about my encounter with a certain idiot...

The rooftop was occupied. Damn them. I sat down at the bridge connecting the two buildings; not many students actually bother to go from one building to another and it's not like they'll notice me anyway.

I read silently and as I expected the very few students who passed by didn't even look at me. I seriously can't understand how they could miss a student sitting on the ground while reading an L.N. Like do they have a shitty eyesight or what? But whatever, it works in my favor anyway so I'll stop complaining.

Then this girl almost tripped at my leg. I looked up from my book and well, it was the same girl who was standing stupidly in front of our classroom earlier... My clumsy seatmate. She pointed at me and accused me of deliberately tripping her. And well, who the hell do you think you are that I would even waste my precious time on you? Don't be so self-centered to even think that I would deliberately trip you because I'm already too busy reading my light novel(these are my honest thoughts that time, okay? Or something along these lines...)

I guess I told her something like 'it's because you didn't notice'. I honestly can't remember much except that she doesn't know that I'm her classmate and seatmate. Oh I know her name, alright? I'm not that arrogant to forget my classmate's names... Or maybe it's just because I have a good memory that I don't forget most of my stupid classmates. Anyway, back to the story she then realized that I'm Mayuzumi.

"You're Mayuzumi?" she had asked. (I'm quite sure she said something like that, and if I'm mistaken I don't freakin' care. Only one person will read this anyway.)

Yes, you dumbass. I am Mayuzumi. But I didn't tell her that, instead I told her, 'Go figure,'

Since she's too rude, she didn't bother hiding her horror to find out that I am her seatmate. And I just thought...What the hell? I'm the best seatmate anyone could ever ask for.

"Seriously?" she blurted out while staring at me. And why the hell would I even pretend to be someone else?

After that awkward staring, she left wordlessly. When the next subject came, she ended up staring at me when our eyes met. She looked so fascinated and I'm not sure whether I should be insulted or what. I'm not some newly discovered specimen, alright? I had decided to take offense. It's not nice to stare at people just because they have dead-fish eyes. There I wrote it. Damn. I just chose to break the silence to distract this girl from staring at me too much.

I asked her if she really has a habit of staring at people which she vehemently denied. Well, I didn't find that very convincing, so I asked her if it was only because it's me just to tease her a little.

"Don't flatter yourself, Mayuzumi," oh she dropped the honorifics, quite the rude girl isn't she? It was really amusing to see her get irritated; I guess I found myself a little entertainment in my ever boring life. But damn this girl... She's really rude.

I told her that I'm not really into loud girls which is a fact, mind you. I've always thought silent girls are the best. I love silence and peace, okay? That's why my type of girl is definitely a silent girl. (but a certain girl came crashing into my life proving that belief to be false, and yes that's you, damn it.)

She almost shouted 'who the hell cares' causing us some unwanted attention. Of course the teacher asked us what was wrong pretending to care when they don't. I don't have anything against teachers except at times when they pry too much... Well, again, it's not like they notice me anyway.

So my seatmate said we just a had a little disagreement. A little disagreement? I whispered to her, "So we were having a little disagreement?"

"We were," she answered. The teacher then announced that we'll be baking and it will be done and partners and well yeah, you already know it. My seatmate was my partner and because she's very expressive, it showed on her face that she didn't like the idea. I chuckled a little; I don't know but I really started to enjoy messing with her.

"I'll be in your care," I told her to get some nice reactions and she didn't fail me. Her reactions are priceless(especially now).

"You're gonna regret that," she replied through gritted teeth. I swear I'll enjoy having this seatmate. I don't always tolerate this extent of attention because it gets annoying most of the time(middle school wasn't a fond memory for me), but well, I guess this silly girl is an exception.

"I look forward to working with you too," I replied. As expected, my statement irked her more, much to my amusement.

That's pretty long; it's actually longer than I intended. Don't complain because it is long. I'll sue you. I don't care if you think it's short. The next should be that time at the rooftop? That time when you said you'll leave immediately if had known I was there but of course... you stayed. Are you sure you weren't head over heels for me that time?

To finish this entry... to the person reading this...

I love you





Are you smiling now?

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