Chapter 6

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Nijicchi's Nonsense: So so sorry for the wait TT^TT forgive this procrastinator for making you wait... But just look at that little Chihiro up there? Isn't he cute? xD Makes you forget that this chapter took me a while? Teehee~ I'm sharing this cutie with you who always manages to kill me with his illegal cuteness >w<

Enjoy reading~!


So that was why Mayumi wanted you to celebrate... The first week together? Chihiro remembered something you didn't. That was why he was acting like that... Oh goodness, I'm a failure of a girlfriend.

You thought of a way to make up to him. But he wasn't really upset right? So there was no really need to make it up to him. Still, despite that reasoning, you couldn't help but feel a little bad for forgetting about this...'weeksary' thingy.

I think it's kinda stupid though...cause it's like downright saying that we won't even last a year(which we will) that we have to celebrate the first week.

He said so his self... It's kinda stupid. Still, you couldn't stomach the thought that he did something for you while you didn't do the same for him. Wasn't relationships about give-and-take? You let out a groan and just pushed the thoughts away.

You easily spotted him by the gate of their house. His back was towards you so you decided to tackle him with a hug from behind.

"What the--"

"Good morning!" you chimed.

"Ahh, it's just you being annoying first thing in the morning," he said flatly. You unhooked your arms from his torso and frowned at him.

"And you're being mean first thing in the morning,"

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were just acting like any other girlfriend who'se being sweet to her boyfriend. But since I know better, I'm thinking that this is because of that wee--"

"Oh shut up, you're spot on, Mr. Genius," you cut him off not bothering to hide the annoyance in your voice. He didn't have to make it any worse than it already was. You two walked side by side.

"You don't really need to though," he said breaking the silence after a while.


"It's just a freakin' letter, nothing too luxurious or specia--"

"It is special!" you cut him off. How dare he say it that it's not? Everything from Chihiro is special.

"Nothing luxurious then," he rolled his eyes, "And as I wrote there, weeksaries are stupid anyways, so don't try to do anything special because of that so-called weeksary, okay?"

"Okay," you replied softly. Was it really fine? He even treated you yesterday... "But Chihiro--"

"If you just feel like being a sweet girlfriend for nothing then fine by me," he cut you off. Chihiro was already looking away with a red tint on his cheeks. Sheesh, such a dishonest jerk.

"Chihiro," you called him. Before he could fully turn his face, you kissed him on the cheek. His eyes widened and just the surprised look on his face was very priceless.


"What? I just felt like it." you smirked at him then went on two steps ahead of him as you went to school. Later, you're so gonna tell him about your parents wanting to meet him.


"Mom and Dad wants to meet you," you told him that lunch break. He was reading a light novel while using you as a lap pillow again.

"Okay," he replied as he turned the page of his L.N.

"Aren't you nervous?" you asked as you stroked his hair. How could his hair be so soft?

He snorted then replied nonchalantly, "I'll just get nervous later,"

"You and your ego," you mumbled, "What if Dad won't like you?"

"Then elope with me,"

"Chihiro!" you said warningly pulling at his hair.

"Hey stop! I was just kidding!" he complained his eyes looking at you briefly. You stopped. It wasn't a nice joke. "Though I would if you want to,"

"Chi-hi-ro," you said emphasizing every syllable of his name.

"Why? Won't you?" he asked putting down his book and just looking straight into your eyes. Just his gaze was enough to make your heart flatter.

"Drop the idea, I would never elope with anyone," you glared at him. You'll surely leave your parents' house when you reach twenty-two anyway... Why the rush? "Will you please just answer me properly?"

"Fine. You asked such a dumb question I couldn't bring myself to answer properly."

"That's a dumb question?"

"Duh, I just have to make him approve of me then," he replied as-a-matter-of-factly. Since when did Chihiro get this sweet?

"You make it sound so easy," you sighed.

"You're just worrying too much," he replied. Maybe... Maybe he's right.


You messaged your mom that you'll be bringing the so-called lucky guy. And now that you were right in front of your house, it was rather unnerving.

"What are you waiting for?" Chihiro asked beside you.

"Aren't you nervous?"

"We'll never go anywhere if I was," he replied then reached out for the door, "Let's go,"

"This is my house," you declared putting a hand on his chest to stop him, "I go first," you said as you opened the door of your house. When you opened the door, the smiling face of your mother greeted you.

"Oh, it's Chihiro-kun!" your mother exclaimed happily when her eyes landed on your boyfriend. "Come on inside, Chihiro-kun,"

Chihiro-kun--Wait what?!

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