Fixing the problem ;)

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Ashley's Pov

I slipped on my outfit for today and came out the room looking into the mirror. I've gained some type of confidence in myself for some strange reason.

((Outfit to the side))

"You ready?" Jacob picked up his phone and I nodded. We made our way out of the hotel and caught a taxi to explore the streets but the little message Jacob gave me is confusing. What does he mean by find out tonight? I'm not even close to sure of what will happen. I sighed looking out of the window and watching many many many people pass by the cars and the streets. Finally after twenty minutes of driving around we stopped so we could walk around. Their was a lot to sight see about in London, just because I haven't been here before. "So, what did you mean back in the hotel?" I looked at him and he chuckled looking at me."Nothing, just something I've been planning for a while now." I nodded a little and we continued walking.


Raniyah's Pov

Today's the day that Issa's leaving and my emotions won't stop acting up. I don't want him to leave."Baby don't cry." he wiped away my tears and I sniffled."I'll be coming home to an empty house." He sighed picking me up and hugging me tight kissing my forehead."You just make sure you pick up the phone, Skype , and every tweet I send you. It won't be the same but at least you'll be able to see me." He said and I sighed releasing from the hug and nodded."Im dropping you off though." He chuckled and I laughed a little grabbing his bag." Come on big boy." I put his bags in the car and we both climbed in pulling away from the house.


Devonnie's Pov

"So what do you think about the house you liked it?" I asked Roc sitting on my bed." Yeah, I liked it. But the thing is.. when are we suppose to be moving in?" I shrugged."When ever you feel like we need to, I mean it's up to you. You're the one going on tour." I rolled my eyes getting up to grab some pickles."Can we please get over this?" He sighed getting comfortable on my bed as I grabbed some peanut butter." I am over it, Im just letting you know. IF you cheat you'll have a schedule to see your child." He scrunched his eyebrows and shook his head. "Na man that ain't cool. Plus I don't want no other nigga up on my child." I scoffed." Do you think I want some hoe on the road up in my child's face? No." He shrugged and I sighed."Why are we even talking about this? Fuck it."


Brittany's Pov

Is you say Daddy's home, Daddy's home for me

And I know you've been waiting for this love in your day

You know your daddy's home (daddy's home), and it's time to play (so it's time to play)

So you ain't got to give my loving away

So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy

Hey hey hey daddy

So all my ladies say hey hey hey daddy

Hey hey hey daddy

"What do you want Ray?" I sighed putting the phone to my ear."BRITTANY HELP ME! COME TO 44 STREET! THEIR JUMPING ME!" He screamed than the line went dead. I gasped slipping on my shoes and pulling my hair into a ponytail. I ran to my keys and ran out my dorm building hurrying to my car. I hopped in and sped off to Ray's destination. All the fucking traffic was driving me insane as I hurried and did an illegal U-Turn. I had to take to back road across the bridge. Finally I made it on 44th street seeing the deep ally way. I pulled my pistol out of my glove compartment and went into the alley. I seen a couple men punching on Ray as he laid helpless on the ground. I pulled my gun up and screamed."HEY." they turned around and let out a laugh."What are you gonna do? Little Brit coming to her boyfriends rescue huh?" they started walking towards me as I backed away."If you don't leave im either calling the police or shooting." They looked at each other and laughed again."1." I counted down as they continued walking over to me."2." I cocked the gun and they started walking faster to me."3." I started shooting at them as they dodged a couple but soon got hit in the chest.

I dropped the gun running over to Ray checking his body to make sure he was okay."Baby? Baby you okay?" I patted his face until his eyes came open a little."You still love me....don't you?" He smirked and I giggled helping him stand to his feet."Of course I do. I killed two guys for you, and did an illegal U-Turn." I chuckled and I helped him limp to the car.


Ashley's Pov

We walked into a store and started looking around. Jacob has this strange thing of buying me things that I don't even ask for. He passed me a bikini with a smirk and I laughed."No, Im uncomfortable with those." I shook my head and he shrugged buying them."I like it...and these shorts." he put them on the counter. I shook my head walking away from him."I'm going to look for something to buy you." I walked out of the store and into another one. But this one looked so familiar, like I've seen it before. Then it all hit me, this is the room. The one the woman casted a spell on me in.  I was immediately sat down by a force and she appeared in the seat across from me. The ball came in the middle of us and she started spinning around In her chair." Took you long enough." she chuckled."W-What do you want from me?" I stuttered afraid."Nothing, it's just something you've already taken." I looked at her confused."What does that even mean?" She sighed rolling her eyes."Takee Tromble Takae meant in the words of finding love. If you didn't find love, you'd die." she shrugged and I scoffed."So that means if im not in love with someone ...I-I die?" She nodded and laughed."But wait-" I started until a puff of smoke came around me and I was no longer in the shop. I was outside with a bag in my hand. I shook my head and walked back in the store where Jacob was waiting."Ready to go?" he grabbed my hand and I nodded handing him the bag." I bought you that." He opened it and gasped."Aw, you bought me a case." he kissed my forehead as we left out the store.


(( Play The Side Song ))

We finally made it back to the hotel and I grabbed my clothes to take a shower. Removing my jacket I walked into the bathroom.Just as I was about to shut the door I saw Jacob through the mirror taking his shirt off. I felt my eyes stinging but I tried to hold back. He walked towards me coming up behind me. I felt his arm move to my shoulders sending chills down my spine. He looked at me through the mirror smirking because of my now pink lustful eyes. He slowly removed my dress and turned me around. "Before we do anything, I want you to trust me okay?" He said and in a daze I just nodded. He pulled out two rings slipping one on my finger and one on his."These are our promise rings, and as long as I wear it, you'll know I love you." I smiled and kissed him expecting it to only last a couple of seconds, but soon advanced into more. Next thing I know we're on the bed, his hands on my waist and my hands on the side of his face. He slipped his lips from my mouth to my neck making me release a soft moan. His other hand started tugging at my under wear slipping them off easily. He laid me down sticking a finger into me as I moaned and gripped onto the sheets. His stuck another one as I let my grip of the sheet go and clinged onto his back. As he finished pumping he added his tongue in making me grip onto his hair and arch my back as his tongue flicked all around.

He climbed on top of me hovering over me and positioning himself in the right place before looking up at me."You ready?" I nodded and he slowly slid into me making me moan in pain. Of course this is my first time because I've always wanted to wait. The pain soon went away with a few more thrust so I moaned for him to go faster and he kept going until the bed make a creaking sound. He stopped catching his breath only for me to flip us over and start to ride him. He looked shocked but held my waist guiding me. I moved my hips in a weird circular motion causing him and I to laugh. I felt my climax coming and so was his."Don't hop off." He said so I continued until I felt me and him burst at once. Him groaning and me sighing in relief. I laid on side of him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you." We both whispered before going to sleep.


So yeah....that's my song just wanted y'all to know.

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