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Leader: ShardStar: An orange-red tom with grey eyes and has a scar on left paw

Deputy: Shineleaf: A grey she-cat with green eyes and a white paw

Medicine cat: Mistpool: A cream she-cat with hazel eyes
Apprentice: Seedpaw


Greentail: A white tabby with a striped tail and blue eyes.

Dawnblaze: A "blue" she-cat with brown eyes

Brackenpelt: A grey tom with green eyes

Thornstripe: A brown she-cat with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Thunderpaw

Sorrelpool: A brown she-cat with brown eyes
Apprentice: Bluepaw

Willowheart: A creamy she-cat with white stripes and blue eyes

Brownleaf: A brown tabby with hazel eyes
Apprentice: Shinepaw

Heartfur: A white she-cat with brown eyes
Apprentice: Firepaw

Sweetpelt: A "blue" she-cat with grey eyes and a black paw

Blacktail: A black/dark grey tabby (in the day he looks dark grey but at night he looks black) with green eyes

Fernwhisker: A black tom with blue eyes and has tip of ear off
Apprentice: Mistpaw

Ashheart: A light grey she-cat with dark brown eyes and a black back paw
Apprentice: Willowpaw


Hallow: A dark blue she-cat with hazel eyes (expecting 3 kits) mate: Fernwhisker (male); former kittypet

Greypelt: A dark grey she-cat with blue eyes (4 kits Whitekit, Riverkit, Thistlekit, Ripplekit)

Whisperfur: A white she-cat with green eyes (2 kits, Windkit and Skykit)


Willowpaw: A creamy she-cat with grey eyes

Mistpaw: A dark grey she-cat with blue eyes

Firepaw: A red/orange tabby with brown eyes

Shinepaw: A black she-cat with hazel eyes

Thunderpaw: A creamy tom with blue eyes

Bluepaw: A blue tabby with green eyes and a striped tail

Seedpaw: A black tom with brown eyes


Fawnwhisker: A sand colored pelt with green eyes and half blind

Quietnose: A grey she-cat with brown eyes

Hazelpelt: a light brown she-cat with blue eyes


Leader: Runningstar- a tom with broad shoulders, black fur and green eyes (sounds like Hollyleaf ;_;)

Deputy: Firestream- A tabby with flame colored fur, white paws and hazel eyes
Apprentice: Brackenpaw

Medicine cat: Darkfeather- a dark tom with dark brown fur and yellow eyes
Apprentice: Whistlepaw


Birdsong- a blue/grey tom with brown eyes

Silverpetal: A tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Blueheart: A dirty white (meaning it's a little darker than a pure white) tabby with grey eyes

Heartstream: A she-cat tom with a scar on left eye and with grey fur and blue eyes
Apprentice: Echopaw

Lavapelt: A flame-colored tabby with dark brown stripes on body with green eyes

Whitefur: A white she-cat tabby with green eyes
Apprentice: Blackpaw

Fastclaw: A black tom with blue eyes
Apprentice: Hazelpaw

Flowersong: An orange colored she-cat tom with brown eyes
Apprentice: Sunpaw

Pondleaf: A grey she-cat tabby with mix of blue-green eyes with a black tail tip
Apprentice: Songpaw

Riverfur: A small white tabby with grey eyes


Brackenpaw: A dark tom with blue eyes

Sunpaw: An orange-colored she-cat with green eyes

Blackpaw: A black tabby with brown eyes

Songpaw: A grey she-cat with blue eyes

Echopaw: A brown tom with hazel eyes

Hazelpaw: a dark grey she-cat with green eyes

Whistlepaw: A blue-grey tabby with blue eyes, blind.

Cherry: A red colored queen (former kittypet) with brown eyes ;expecting kits;

Jetclaw: A black colored queen with blue eyes ;nursing kits;


Fawnpelt: A small dark tabby with yellow eyes

Zep: A white tom with grey eyes (former kittypet, old name, Perchwhisker. Changed back into other name by choice once he became an elder)

All Clans (except WindClan. WindClan will come in soon. You will see.) from original series still here.😆🤗

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