Chapter 1

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A nudge was felt in her side. She woke up and tried to get herself up but failed.

"Wake up Riverkit! Thornstripe is going to show us how to eat fresh kill!" Her sister, Ripplekit, bounced up and down. Almost landing on Skykit and Whitekit twice. Riverkit held back a mrrow of laughter when her mother, Greypelt, padded in with a glare that said, 'hold it'. Riverkit nodded and stood up. She shook her fur and was picked up by Greypelt to get groomed.

"No, Greypelt!" Riverkit complained. She struggled but was trying to be as quiet as possible. She saw Whitekit start to stir and Skykit yawned.

"Hey, Ripplekit," Whistlefur padded in, "Can you please wake up the two lazy tails?" She smiled.

Ripplekit nodded eagerly and nudged Skykit. Skykit yawned and stretched. Riverkit caught a glimpse of him glaring at her jumpy sister. Ripplekit then went over to Whitekit but tripped over her own paws and fell on him instead.

Whitekit screeched and jumped up, his fur standing on end a little. He relaxed a little when he realized that Ripplekit was also on the ground.

"Great way to wake me up Ripplekit!" He hissed as he started to groom his tail.

"Sorry I tripped." She admitted. She then walked over to the entrance and looked at Greypelt for permission.

"Wait for your sibling." She continued to groom Riverkit as she sat still.

Something started to move near the back but she calmed down when Thistlekit came from the darkness. His black pelt made him hard to see. He came out to stretch and yawn but just sat down waiting to be groomed.

"Thistlekit, it's your turn." Greypelt motioned him over with his tail.

"Windkit, wake up!" Whisperfur growled. Windkit woke up with a small yawn as she shook the sleep away from her. Windkit groomed down her fur and headed outside with no word to anybody.

"Okay you may go." Greypelt granted access. Ripplekit was the first one there. She was there before Riverkit even came out of the den.

Thornstripe rolled his eyes. "Finally, I was about to travel all around the forest before you got here." He exaggerated.

His way was very detailed as of others. He grabbed a small mouse that look fatter than most. He showed that they eat it from the ribs but you have to put your paw on it so it won't move. He showed them not to eat the head, feet or tail. After a couple heartbeats, the mouse was finished.

"Then you bury it away from camp." Thornstripe showed them. He dug a small hole in the ground and laid the mouse there. The tabby then buried it and shook the dirt from his fur.

"There you go, now you know how to do this. Make sure you don't eat the bones." And with that, he padded off.

"Wow, that took too long." Ripplekit complained.

Riverkit nodded in agreement. A rustle was heard behind her and Thunderpaw came from the apprentice den. She turned towards the sound but Thunderpaw was already by the fresh-kill pile.

Windkit slowly walked over to him and sat near him. Everyone knows that Windkit has a small crush on Thunderpaw. It's obvious, clearly Thunderpaw is oblivious to the rumors.

"Hello Thunderpaw." Windkit smiled. Thunderpaw glanced at her but said nothing. Riverkit could feel her heart softening.

"What are you eating?" Windkit asked. Thunderpaw gulped down the mysterious food and turned to her.

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