Chapter 2 - YN against the world!

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Chapter 2.


“[Your name], bring the head piece here! I want see it on you!” My mother said. I hated wearing that thing sometimes. I mean I love my religion Islam, yet I hated the hypocrisy that the people in my life had made it to be, when I knew it was not about that. “Aw…. you look beautiful, doesn’t she?” My mother asked. “Yes, she does sister!” Ahnez agreed. Of course she would say so; she was my evil stepsister who made my life a living hell. Ever since my mother married my step dad my life has been filled with nothing but pain and contradictions I do not understand. My mother was already religious enough, now she was unbearable with her new husband backing her up; my life is beyond unbearable to live at times. My step dad Alamin-Abdula was controlling and crazy. My mother changed with and for him, from being the beautiful conscious and religious wise woman she use to be; to a self righteous, over religious, illogical, and insecure woman. “I don’t know why she hates wearing the head pieces; they are apart of our way of life, did you know she hates wearing them, Mother!” Ahnez said; I knew what she was doing, she was trying to get me in trouble. “What you hate them YN?” my mother looked appalled; I felt my heart skip a beat in fear of getting in trouble off of a lie. I loved wearing my head piece, but wearing them every day has become so boring, and I look homely in them. “No, mother I do love wearing them, I don’t know why Ahnez would say that!” I defended. That ‘witch’ was lying through her very white teeth. “Really, I heard you say, ‘I hate that stupid thing’.” Ahnez said this time smiling at me, I was getting heated, because the look on her face showed her intent, almost confident in wanting me to get in troubled off her lie; by the way my mother was seated, she could not see her face. “YN, the head covering shows god that we want his protection from the eyes of strange men. It humbles and protects you!” My mother was scolding me; my face showed defeat, as that lying witch won. I did not Ahnez, but I did hate Ahnez’s mind, for her to be around my age, she acted like an old bitter woman who was jealous and envious of me. Why, I did not understand when she was just as pretty as I. I knew I was beautiful, and nice; but I can be overly nice and courteous to others, even when they had wronged me. I have a bad habit of being too caring and loving to others, while people mistake my kindness for blindness. I was too sweet, even a push over for the ones I loved, and I knew it. So why did Ahnez hate me so. “But mother I—” I was cut off by my mother. My mother was scolding me undeservingly all because Ahnez’s lie. I never said that knowing just how everyone is listening and is watching my every move, even though I have never done anything wrong. I stood feeling hurt and deeply disappointed as my mother went on calling me “disobedient to gods will”, and “a sinner”, and “a disbelieving hussy who wants to show her assets to strange men”. These words did not apply to me; yet, they where said about me on the whim of a lie. What hurt me more was the fact that my mother believed Ahnez’s every word said about me, ever since my mother has gotten married and my new relatives have come into my life. Ahnez has changed the dynamics of the relationship I once had with my mother. Ahnez manipulates my mother. However, I think that my mother feels that Ahnez has the attributes of the kind of daughter she had been looking for. How could she be, when I’m her blood daughter! “That’s it, YN you are grounded, and you do Ahnez’s chores on top of your own! I have had enough of your indirect disrespect to me, your family and God!” My mother yelled at me, I was in shock; Ahnez’s face was priceless. “This is unfair; the punishment does not even fit, when I never said that!” I said holding back tears, I was filled with anger. “So your loving sister, who let you tell it, is always lying on you, is lying on you at this moment! Just came up with this lie to ‘lie on you’ right now?”  I could tell my mother was upset with me, over a big lie, which she believed. “Yes!” I said because it was true! “Oh my Goodness, Oh Allah, so Ahnez you’re a liar now?” My mother said sarcastically, I knew I had lost, and what I said meant nothing. “No mother, I love YN, why would I lie on her, when I only try to look out for her, she hates me when I only want what’s best for her. I love you, YN but she hates me, my feelings are hurt, Mother!” Ahnez deserved an Oscar, for best actress of the year. The words swim around in my head, leaving me angry and emotionally unstable at that moment. The lies were enough to make me grab her neck and strangle her. “Look at what you’re doing! Your hurting your sister’s feelings, you said it and I believe her, because you have sneaky and nasty ways about you YN! You’re hurting your sister and me!” My mother said that bullshit, and my emotions hit the roof. “She is a liar! And she is lying on me right now, and she is not my sister! She is a lying, manipulative—” Slap! As I fell to the ground, my face felt a sharp stinging pain as I hit the ground. Everything around me went in slow motion as I slide across the floor; tears streamed down my face, once I landed on the ground. “Shut up! I don’t want to hear it anymore, now go to your room and stay in there for the rest of the night!”

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