Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

~Mark's POV~
Ugh! My head hurts... Wait! Where am I? What happened to me? The ground was cold and the walls were cement. This place looks like the room of an insane asylum! The only source of light was a light bulb on a string hanging from the ceiling. Through the painful darkness, I strained my eyes and saw an old bloody mattress in the corner of the room. This does not look good. I slowly stood up and looked around for some sign of where I am. Out of the corner of my eye I felt something shift in the darkness. It was a figure moving slowly towards me. I was about to scream when the figure tackled me to the ground and put a hand over my mouth.
"Shhhh. Don't scream. They'll hear you." a familiar voice hissed.
"Who?" I asked. I heard footsteps down the hall grow louder. The guy's face went pale.
"I'll explain later, but for now you have to drop to the floor quietly and pretend to be asleep." he said. Not knowing what to do, I went to the place I woke up from and dropped to the floor. My eyes clamped shut as the door flung open. There were more footsteps and I heard a thud. My eyes peeked open curiously and shut almost instantly. It was a monster! What kind of monster was that!? It wasn't human for sure. It was hunched over and had no eyes. Its arms were bone thin and had razors for fingers. Was that a....rake? The footsteps faded away and I felt a nudge from who I hope was that guy from earlier. My eyes slowly opened and I stood up.
"What the heck was that?" I asked.
"Rake." he said. Well at least I was right.Wait!
"Sean?" I questioned. His eyes widened.
"Mark!" he yelled. "You're here too?"
"I don't even know where here is!" I yelled. "Oh thank god another person's here." Before I could say another word, someone walked through the door.
"Who are you?" Sean called out.
"I'm Chase. Who are you?" he asked.
"I'm Sean."
"I'm Mark." I said. He nodded and went over to the body in the corner. He picked it up, and put it in my lap. It was a girl. "What are you doing?" I asked horrified. Please don't be a dead body.
"When she wakes up she is going to scream, and you need to be there to cover her mouth. I already did my part with you." he explained. I gave him an 'are you crazy' look and waited for her to get up. Her dark skin illuminated in the single light. Her head was covered in braids. She had bruises going up her arms and on her face. Her eyes shot open to reveal a beautiful green color as she sucked in a deep breath. She was about to scream when I covered her mouth. "Shhh...don't scream." I pleaded. Confusion washed over her gaze and next thing I knew she had her rib stabbing into my side. I yelped and let her go. She stood up and got ready to run, but Sean tackled her to the floor.
"Calm down! We're not the enemy. Don't you see that we're stuck in here just like you." he explained. It was clear in her eyes that she was slowly calming herself down. Sean let her go and she fell forward. Her face got close to mine and her eyes widened. She stood up and backed away.
"Ma-Mark." she whispered. "Y-You're Mark. M-Markiplier... you're not missing." she exclaimed. I am guessing she is a fan.
"Mark, hide!" Sean hissed. The girl's eyes widened in fear as the door flung open. I looked over to Sean who was pretending to go to sleep and Chase- was... gone? How did I miss those footsteps? It must've been very quiet. I have never seen this monster before. It had a completely bald head with its eye sockets sewn together and its mouth was sewn shut. There was clumps of blood hanging from the mouth. It was wearing a long over coat and bloody boots. It dropped the body it was carrying and walked away. It almost left the room, but the girl next to me slipped out a quiet sob. It whipped around and walked up to us. The girl next to me was shaking in fear. 'Be brave,' I thought as if she could hear my thoughts, 'Be brave.' She backed into the wall and started crying as the monster got up to her face and put a hand up to its mouth.
"Shhh," it hissed. The sound was deformed and gargled as blood spat onto her face from its mouth. As the monster walked out of the room she freaked out and looked like she was going to pass out. I ran up to her and enclosed her in a hug. Even though I didn't know her, it didn't mean she didn't need a hug after whatever the heck is going on. She stopped crying when she saw who the body was.
"Avril!" she cried out. I am guessing the body was a girl. She ran up to the body and shook it vigorously. "Avril! Please wake up! C'mon Avril!" she pleaded. The girl's eyes shot open and she examined the girl before she hugged the other girl. They both cried and laughed which was creepy. "I am so glad I found you. Well, I'm not that happy considering you were captured, too." she weakly laughed.
"What did Jeff do to you?" Avril asked.
"I don't know...all I know is that this needle was in my arm and I was thrown into a bag and dragged down the street. I think i have floor burn." she complained. "Well at least you got Jeff...I got Smiley!" she cried.
"I know he came face to face with me and it was creepy." she freaked out. I cleared my throat telling them I am still here.
"Actually, it was the Rake that carried her in here." I corrected.
"Is that..." Avril started.
"Mark? Yeah." the other girl finished.
"Hiya." I said awkwardly. Avril faced Sean and gasped.
"Sean!" she squealed. She ran up to him and he hugged her. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked.
"I have no idea." I said.
"We were kidnapped." Sean stated the obvious.
"Sooo what is your name?" I asked the girl who freaked out earlier.
"Ciel." she whispered.
"Okay now that we have gotten our names down let's begin." a voice yelled over the loudspeaker, startling us all. Loud speaker? The doors popped open to reveal a pitch black hallway. Oh joy! [sarcasm]. Four flashlights fell from a hole in the ceiling and onto the mattress. We all picked up one and went back to our places where we were before. "As long as you do what I say no one dies! Until, I get bored." a scary evil laugh erupted from everywhere. We are going to die!? Ciel started crying, but Avril hushed her up.
"C'mon let's get going." Chase instructed. Where did he come from? We all piled out of the room and into the hallway. Three feet down the hallway, a door swung open and I got a face full of door.
"Holy balls that hurt!" I yelled.
"Mark?" I heard a voice call. I know that voice anywhere.
"Aaron?" I called back.
"Yamimash?" Ciel asked starstruck.
"Random girl?" Aaron asked making me laugh. "Mark? What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Well, I just wanted to visit my aunt- what do you THINK happened? I was kidnapped!" I exclaimed. Ciel giggled behind me. She had a cute laugh. "Are you in there alone Yami?" I asked.
"No there are girls named Bliss and Chrys." he explained. "Who's with you?"
"Two girls named Avril and Ciel, then Sean is here too."
"Well, now that we have roll call, let's go." Chase said sarcastically. What was his problem?
"Do you guys have flashlights too?" Avril questioned.
"No. I am guessing you do?" Bliss said as more of a statement than a question.
"We do. We should all stick together and share flashlights." Ciel suggested. We turned on our flashlights and walked down the long eerie hallway.
"This place is creepy." Bliss whispered while she shivered slightly. She was right. The hallways were pitch black. The only source of lighting are our flashlights. The wallpaper around us is a dirty yellow color that is peeling from the floor up. The wallpaper was covering hidden messages written in red ink.
"Is that... blood?" Ciel squeaked quietly. She clung slightly to Avril, considering that she already gave her flashlight to a nearly hysterical Bliss. Since no one said a word after that, the hallway was quiet besides the squeaking of our shoes on the tile. This hallway seemed endless. It was only a matter of time before we reached the end of the hallway. Sean couldn't find an entrance at the end of the hallway. He let out a grunt in frustration.
"Let's go back." Sean instructed. We all went the other way.
"Um...guys." Bliss called.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"This wall is moving." She whispered. I turned around and she was right. It was moving. We started to quicken our pace, but the wall quickened its pace as well.
"It's picking up speed!" Avril cried. We started sprinting down the hall.
"There's a door!" Aaron pointed out. Chrys tried opening it.
"It's locked!" she cried. I looked to my left and saw the other wall coming at us at an alarming speed.
"Well I have an idea." I stated. I rammed my shoulder into the door and it sent a shockwave of pain up my arm. I put a gigantic hole in the door. "Climb in!" I called out. One by one, they all came through the door. Just in time, as I helped Ciel through last, the walls abruptly stopped 2 centimeters apart. Blood splattered everywhere. We heard a screech and gasped. Chase. He was crushed by the walls. Ciel was about to scream in horror when the realization hit us. We were about to be crushed if someone hasn't of burst a hole in the door. Sean interrupted her.
"No time for freak outs!" Avril yelled.
"No time for freak outs. No. Time. For freak outs. NO TIME. FOR FREAK. OUTS?! I just saw a man get murdered in front of my own eyes!" Chrys screeched getting ready to launch herself at Avril. Aaron stood in the way and held her back.
"You need to calm down. We have to keep moving." he pleaded. She gave him a look, but complied with his request. The intercom gave feedback as the creepy guy came back on the loudspeaker.
" completed my first challenge. Impressive thinking Mark. You saved Ciel's life. If you thought even a millisecond later she would be all over the walls. Too bad I can't say the same about Chase." He laughed. Ciel's face turned pale. "Anyways," he continued, "To your right is a light switch. Turn it on." Sean flipped the light switch on and the whole room was filled with chests. "Each person gets one chest. Choose wisely. I'll check in on you later. If my creatures hiding in the darkness don't get to you first." He laughed evilly. Ciel ran to the chest to the far right and sat on it.
"This one's mine!" she called out. I guess we're choosing now. Bliss ran to the one, three chests to the left from Ciel.
"I got this one." She called out. Sean got the one to the far left.
"Mine!" he yelled. Avril got the one to the left of Bliss.
"I got this one." she stated. Chrys took the one in between Sean and Avril.
"I got this one." she announced. Aaron got the one next to Ciel.
"I claim this one." he stated funnily. I chose the last one between Aaron and Bliss. Order:
[Se] [Ch] [Av] [Bl] [Ma] [Aa] [Ci]
We all opened our chests. Ciel pulled out a crowbar, a jumpsuit outfit, three ammo packs, and a Gatling Gun. "What's this?" she asked pointing it to the wall.
"Ciel be careful!" Aaron yelled. She pulled the trigger and the recoil pushed her to the floor. There were several bullets in the wall. "That was awesome!!" She screamed.
"Oh god, the stupid creep gave Ciel a GUN!" Avril yelled. Ciel gave Avril a devious smirk and started laughing evilly. She's not that bad haha. "Wait! I have seen this gun from episode one of Dino Horde. This is a Gatling Gun! Awww Yeah!" she yelled jumping up an down in excitement.
"Oh god help us." Avril muttered. Ciel took out the crowbar.
"I gotta crowbar!" she mimicked. Wait! She's mimicking me! I always yell that. Anyways, Aaron went through his chest. He got a jumpsuit, night vision goggles, and a TREK Ion Blade.
"Sweet!" he yelled.
"YOU GOT A SWORD!!! I wanna sword! Can I have yours?" she pleaded while putting emphasis on the 'W'.
"Only if you give me the Gatling gun." Aaron laughed. Ciel looked like someone punched her in the stomach.
"Aww....." she thought it over, "Fine." She gave him the gun and he gave her the sword. I looked in my chest. I got a jumpsuit, a gravity gun, six ammo packs, and a mini gun. "Gravity Gun!" I laughed evilly.
"Oh god." Aaron laughed. "Aaron! I'll trade you this mini gun for your Gatling Gun." I suggested.
"No deal." he laughed. I used my gravity gun to levitate Aaron.
"N-No! Mark! Put me down. That isn't fair." he screamed. I just laughed at him.
"Will you trade?" I asked.
"Fiiine." he complained. I gave Aaron the minigun and it's ammo and levitated the Gatling gun. Yes! Bliss opened her chest and pulled out a Fireman's ax, a jumpsuit, a bag of rocks, and a slingshot.
"A slingshot!" she yelled. Avril opened her chest next. She got a jumpsuit, grenades, and three life packs. What? How do those work?
"Woah! A life pack!" she yelled. Chrys opened her chest and found a jumpsuit, a magneto stick, and a metal brick.
"Where do you get this stuff?" she asked. She picked up the brick using the magnetic stick and swung it around. She made a hole in the wall. "Oops." she laughed. Sean opened his chest. He got a jumpsuit and a pack of gum.
"What?!" he yelled in despair.
"Here." Ciel said handing Sean her crowbar. She took his gum.
"Thank you." he said.
"No problem." she replied. "Everyone cover your eyes. I'm gonna change into my jumpsuit." She went over to the other side of the room and started getting undressed. Woah! Sean, Aaron, and I covered our eyes. I opened my eyes slightly to see Sean full on staring at her. His face was beat red. After getting changed, she put her gum in her pocket and her sword on her sling. The other girls did the same. I was about to change when I forgot I didn't warn the girls. Ciel stood there staring at me. Her cheeks were burning bright red. I cleared my throat and she looked away. Woops. After everybody was changed and had their weapons attached to their suits, we put our other clothes in our chests. The creepy guy came over the loudspeaker again.
"Let the games begin." Before we could react, the floors dropped open and we were falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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