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Prepare and everything will be fine.

Prepare for the worst possibilities.

Prepare for rainstorm season.

Prepare for thunderstorms.

Prepare for 1 million questions from your sibling.

Prepare for a good comeback.

Prepare your stomach for food because you're having lunch with friends.

Prepare for a whole lot of pain... from constipation.

Prepare to go to the toilet when you're farting too many times XD.

Prepare yourself when your younger sibling goes to your mom.

Prepare yourself for a long story.

Prepare yourself a mug of tea, a blanket and something cuddly.

Prepare and be ready for hiking.

Prepare to be astounded by a magician's magic! (not really, I know)

Prepare for a long TV ad when you just got up to a really interesting part and lots of WHAT!!!??? from the person who's watching it with you (this might happen).

Prepare for kiddy stuff when you're going on this 'fun,fun,fun time' at a kids theme park.

Prepare yourself for any rude/mean comments on any social internet websites (Facebook,Twitter) and tell someone.

Prepare for a tongue burning sensation from a cup of noodles.

Prepare yourself for 50 types of chores to be done.

Prepare a bath and soak in it (maybe put some cucumber slices on your eyes).

Prepare your pride for some harsh/ nice criticism.

Prepare for a long flight.

Prepare yourself to work for 13 hours.

Prepare for a brainfreeze.

Prepare yourself to read books for the entire day.

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