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#1 L.I.E.S

(4 weeks before mission)


"Don't let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game." 

Words that would become my beginning, and his end. 

"You can't be serious?" I complained as Bruce Banner told me my condition. 

I was in a hospital bed, not because of a drastic battle, but because of a stupid decision. I'm already highly regretting it.

"Sam, I understand your mission is coming up, but I'm sorry to say it. I'm not checking you out of here until that cut and bruise go away." I let out a frustrated sigh fiddling with the sides of my blue hospital gown.  My dirty blonde hair fell just over my shoulders as I didn't care to move it away. 

"Bruce! I could literally run a marathon right now! I feel fine." I stated the case I had been stating for over thirty minutes to him once more, and just like the other times it had no effect. He simply nodded and walked out of the hospital room. 

I had been waiting for this one mission, and he was telling me that I couldn't do it anymore! No. I wasn't accepting that, I was proving him wrong. I may be a bit sore from the rough landing but I could get over it. I had, to get over it, this mission meant the world to me! It was the final stage in my training here at SHIELD base 204. I needed to prove to everyone that just because I wasn't the fastest, or the strongest here, I could finish the race!

"Sam?" I whipped my head towards the door and let out a smile as Tony walked in with a stuffed Captain America bear. It was white, and had a shield between it's hands, simple, but cute. 

 He was dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt, red lens glasses perched on his head as his grey Nike tennis shoes walked over. 

"You feeling ok sport?" he ask talking as the bear that was in his hand. I laughed, but it was cut short as the bruise on my rib cage shot pain in my chest. I waved a hand at him causing me more pain from the i.v that was stuck in my hand. I huffed and put my hand back down biting my lip. 

"Don't make me laugh, it hurts." He shot me a serious look and came over after setting the bear on a shelf to the side of my bed. 

"Are you ok?" I held back a laugh and instead gave a nod as I breathed out the pain. He patted my head and sat in the chair next to my bed. The chair was blue, just like everything else in the room. The walls were a light baby blue, and the bed sheets were as well. The tile on the ground had blue squares mixed in with the white ones. Even my hospital gown was blue. 

"These chairs always were so uncomfortable!" he said twisting around trying to get comfortable in the hard leather chair. 

"You know, maybe if you weren't trying to sit in it like a seventeen year old girl it might be comfortable." He stopped his movements and rolled his eyes. Then he swung his legs from over the arm of the chair and back in front of him.  Then he folded his hands in his lap and leaned back, finally sitting proper in the chair. I let a smile cross my dry lips as he huffed shuffling around again. 

For a moment once he was comfortable he looked to be deep in thought.  Knowing Tony he was about to make either a really funny comment, or really rude one. 

"So, you wanna tell me what actually happened Sam? That plane didn't accidentally go out of the sky." I was a bit nervous; because I knew he was right. I brushed some of the loose hair out of my face and glanced at him holding his gaze for only a moment. His brown eyes held slight intensity looking into my hazed green ones. 

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