The Cancer

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"You'll match up his steps one day, Jane, but it's tough for him to forget Anne. Give him space and be kind and devoted to him, because that's the real you. He'll acknowledge it, he is benevolent. He may not forget her ever and may not give himself a second chance but I know him and he'll surely give a chance to you."

I never understood Dad's words but I disapprovingly agreed to his decision, because I resepect him. Plus, I had a very askewed mind at that time. I really needed someone to direct me for even the smallest thing due to some bitchy people.

"She sounds a lot like me." I joke, pretending to sound that I'm not hurt and continue with my veggies.

"You're like her, absolutely, but everyone is different in their own way. Sir needs a bit more of an investigation." I look up at her and she grins.

"I'll go and water the plants." She says and walks away.

Adam and I hardly talk to each other, nor do we share things, like our lives, dinner or bills. Our talks are limited to from would you have food to when did you come back.

The world is unaware of it, but it can't be hidden from the people of the house. Though we have a limited number of servants, infact three, just to maintain the secrecy of Adam and his work, as he believes. He doesn't bother to share his personal life with his work and media people.

So you see there's no freaking way on earth, one could know what's between us, until he is living with us. We just don't have that connection, not even that of good friends. But we just don't talk.

That's weird!

My phone rings from the table and I stride outside to receive it.

"Hello Doctor." I say, wiping my other hand off my apron.

"Hey, Jane." She replies, cheerfully. "How are you?"

"I'm all good Mrs. Lewis, what happened?" I ask her, surprised by her call at this point of the day.

"Jane, I wanted to tell you that I'm going out of the State for a few weeks, day after tomorrow. Since you have your appointment that day, I want you to come today and meet me." She ends.

"Oh no." I whisper to myself. "Can't it be delayed Mrs. Lewis? I mean Adam is home and I've just returned from shopping. What will I excuse him?" I ask her.

I know he won't even bother to do so but I can't lie to him and he will surely ask me. Also, he's doubtful from few weeks back when he saw the reports in my hand. I lie that they're Hannah's and he almost caught.
I am such a bad liar.

"Jane, tomorrow I'm extremely busy but I'll fix it for you." She stops. "Come tomorrow, at 10:00." She adds.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Lewis. Thanks a lot." I tell her glady before hanging up.

They were my medical reports for my ovarian cancer, exactly not a cancer, that I haven't told anyone about. No it's not genetic, as in like Anne but just a weird illness that luckily, can be cured.

I came to know about it in the last year of my college, and when I told it to my boyfriend, his reaction totally discomposed my life.

"Get away Jane, why didn't you tell me earlier about all this?" He frowned, jerking away my hand on his shoulder. "For God sake, I am a man and I want to have a good family for myself in the future. I am sorry but I can't marry a girl who just can't ever be a mother!"

"Pe..." I began to call his name, in between my sobs, but he gestured me to stop.

"No Jane. You're a cheater, you kept me in the dark for so long. I'm done with you. Now please get out of my life. Please!" He yelled, before strolling out of the basketball court of my college, leaving me crying, helpless and lifeless.

The incident happened right before I married Adam. And this taught me that no man likes to marry an infertile woman, until you've loved her soul and not hated her cancer.

I have Ovarian Cancer and that's ridiculous because I can't ever be a mother, biologically. My boyfriend left me because of this disease, and I hate him to death now.

Nope, my ex and bitchy boyfriend.

Adam agreed to marry me and I was depressed again but then, he already has a daughter, so I guess he hardly cares about my inability.

I said yes because I didn't find any reason to say no. I was so freaked out at that time, I had a clear cut plan of doing a job in New York but then, I somehow stumbled into Adam's life.

Life's been quite a twist for me.

After reaching upstairs, I quickly set myself on my bed and switch on the TV.

I again decide to go through my reports and figure out a conclusion from them because I'm curious to know if I'm ever going to get okay.

Picture of Jane on the top!! :)

For my readers, Ovarian Cancer is a cancer in one or both ovaries which can be treated in most cases and in Jane's case too. *claps claps* :)

Unable to have children is one of the risk factors of this cancer. And it will not cause any severe damage or moreover, death to Jane. So, please don't take it wrong, it's not that serious. Chill with it. :)

Happy Reading! ♡ ♡ ♡

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