Blaire's prov.
I hang up with Luke and pray that he comes. Ariana is with him so I know she will help me, I hope he is not bringing the other guys I don't what to explain this to them, hell I don't want to explain it to Luke. I have tried so hard to keep them out of these but here we are my being tied up and them coming to my rescue, yay!.
"Hello sweetheart did you have a nice phone call? I bet Luke is scared, so tell me Blaire dose Luke know about your fighting? Or about how your "undefeated"? Oh I get it its about how your a mom!!! Yup that's the one, so does he know?" Rex says.
"No Luke does not know no one does and I'll kill you if you tell them" I spit.
"Oh is that a threat?" He asked.
"No Rex it is a promise" I fire back.
I hear him chuckle as he walks away. God I can't stand him why did I even date him? I have no clue he is fucking crazy, but yet again I'm then one talking to myself, Wait a go Blaire.
Oh come on Ari, please hurry. I look around to try and find something to cut these ropes, um let's see a screw driver? No, a tape measure? No, I broken bottle? No- wait a broken bottle wow I'm slow.
I grab a piece of the bottle and start cutting the ropes ugh this is gonna take forever. I get down to my last rope and I hear footsteps, fuck I cures to myself.
The door opens and then it closes weird but okay,I continue cutting the ropes and finally, yes I'm free wahoo!! I did it i did it!! Okay Blaire think you gotta get out of hear, think Blaire think.
I look around and see and two-by-four laying on the ground, I pick it up and hear footsteps, I quickly run behind the door and wait for the person to come in, he does and I hit him in the back of the head with the two-by-four.
He falls to the floor unconscious, I look to see who I hit and its Dylan, Rex's right hand man, yes one down two to go let's go get them Blaire.
I walk down the hall and hear voices I hit in the closet and wait for them to come, they get close and I jump out and hit them in the head too. I look and realize its Caleb, cool! Now time for Rex. I hear him coming and wait for him, he does and I hit him to and he falls, yes!! Okay Blaire now let's get out of here.
I run until I get to the exit and I run out, and almost get hit by a car, my car to be exact. Oh yeah just what I needed.
"Unlock the car now!"I say trying to get in. Luke does and I get in the back seat.
"Blaire what the hell is going on?" Everyone shouts.
"Look I'll explain at the flat but take me to get some food please I'm starving?!" I say.
"Okay but I want to know exactly what happened young lady". Ari yells at me.
"Yeah yeah whatever!"I scream back.

Something bad
De TodoThis story is about a girl who has a lot of complications in her life, but dose not let them bring her down. She is a fighter! Blaire Johnson didn't have the best childhood growing up and her teenage years were not the best but she did get two thing...