Thomas averted his gaze and stared into Brenda's eyes. He stared harder than he had ever stared before. It was almost hurting him, trying to see straight into Brenda's mind. It wasn't working though. Her stare back seemed almost vacant, like there was no one behind her deep chestnut eyes. He realised what a lunatic he must have looked - no one else except Minho knew the significance of this. Gally was perched by Elle's head, trying desperately to wake her up. He peered up to see Thomas, Minho and Brenda in a state somewhere between shock and utter disbelief. "What." Gally snapped, "OK, this is slightly weird but you lot look like you've just seen an army of cranks!"
Thomas knew they had to tell Gally about what had happened to Brenda. He didn't want to go blurting Brenda's ordeal out around the whole camp, but staring at Elle made him certain that telling beat some freak disease or similar taking over the camp. They had to find out what this phenomenon was and they needed everyone's help. "Gally," Thomas began nervously, "The same thing happened to Brenda earlier."
Minho shot a disapproving glance at Thomas. He knew he should have consulted Minho and Brenda before he opened his mouth, but Gally needed to know now. "What are you talking about?" Gally asked, clearly frustrated.
"The same thing happened to Brenda earlier,"
It was a disbelieving 'what'. One of confusion, frustration and fear. One that told Thomas Gally was almost refusing to believe, or accept the situation. With a sudden jolt, Thomas realised he'd been so paralysed by his thoughts and distracted by Gally that he hadn't realised Elle had swum back to conciousness.
Brenda was by her head, getting her to recite the entire dream. Thomas already knew Elle's dream had been the same as Brenda's. The chilling phrase 'I'm melting!' hitting his ear drums had confirmed it. But why? What was the point of giving the same dream to a load of the people when no one knew what it meant? As far as they knew there were't even any humans left on Earth, so why in the world would they bother hindering their race's survival? So many things had multiple theories, there were so many unanswered questions, so much hung in the balance and Thomas didn't know if he could take it. One morning of using brains instead of brawn and he was already crumbling. Sure, they'd needed intelligence to get them this far, but he wasn't a detective. He and Brenda thrived in the action and intelligence, Minho the most physical activities. They'd relied on Newt and Teresa for the level headedness and majority of brain power. No. Do not give in to your feelings. Do not think about Newt, Teresa or anyone else you have lost. You are here right now, they brought you here, they want you to succeed. They died for you, Thomas. Now do not let them die for nothing, stop wallowing and sort this klunk out.
"We need to back through the flat trans," He blurted out from nowhere.
The Maze Runner: The New World
AdventureHey guys! This book is my version of the next book in James Dashner's amazing trilogy of books, 'The Maze Runner' (This book is the sequel to The Death Cure). DO NOT READ THIS BOOK IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE DEATH CURE because it has spoilers in! This...