Setting: T'ang Dynasty of Ancient China: The T'ang dynasty was ruled by the males of the Li family, founded officially by Li Yuan in the year 618 A.D. The T'ang dynasty is considered the golden age of the Imperial history of China, an era of great foreign relations, art, literature, etc.
The story 'Tears of Kai Yuan' is set in the Kai Yuan era of the Emperor Ming-Hua or Xuanzong. His original name was Li Long-ji and he ruled from 712 to 756, a forty-two year reign. Long-ji was the third son of the previous emperor, Emperor Ruizong, and originally, he wasn't meant to be ruler of China. The position of crown prince had been his elder brother's, Li Cheng-qi. After multiple revolts and coups, Cheng-qi formally gave his title as crown prince to Long-ji, and later on his father abdicated and gave him the throne. Long-ji was the grandson of the only female regnant in Chinese history, Wu Zetian.
Long-ji, Emperor Ming-Hua's rule is separated into two parts, the first and greatest part was the Kai Yuan era from 713 to 741. This was the height of China's power and prestige among itself and far reaching countries.
China during the T'ang dynasty was known for its diversity and overall tolerance. Crowding the streets of the capital city Chang'An were people from various places. From the dark or fair skinned Persians and Arabs to the stoic Japanese, the students from the Silla (Korean) Kingdom and so forth, China was far from the homogenous society it is today. Even among the higher ranks were those of foreign ethnicity, yet they had fully been accepted and even identified themselves as members of the Han.
This story begins in year 733, one of the later years of the Kai Yuan era. This also marked the steady decline of the Era.
The main character of 'Tears of Kai Yuan' is Li Xiao, son of Li Cheng-qi (later on Li Xian) and nephew of the Emperor. History mentions his name only as one of the sons, his elder brother Li Jin is the more infamous one. The female protagonist is Zhao Jiayi, daughter of a Chinese merchant and an Arab/Persian woman. In those days of the T'ang Dynasty, merchants were the lowest class in the society.
Tears Of Kai Yuan
Historical FictionLocation: Ancient China Date: T'ang Dynasty During the most flourishing era in Ancient China, all seemed to be well for the people. The kingdom was governed by a wise Emperor, the enemies were kept far from the borders, trade increased, as did the a...