Sєαѕнєℓℓѕ- Karkat x Reader x Eridan

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Human!Karkat Vantas x reader x mermaid!Eridan Ampora

Above is how I picture Eridan for this Au owo Art creds to robotwwizard on deviantART.

Requested by @red719 and @gwenmitchell ! Hope you guys enjoy!

"Come on, Karkat! Let's go, ya big wimp!" You cried out, jumping from the parked car and into the beach's parking lot. Your best friend got out on the other side--he was a little older than you, so he could drive. You sighed exasperatedly when he just stood there an mumbled obscenities under his breath.

"Cmon loser, we're going shelling!" You said in a nasal voice, immediately getting Karkat's attention. He broke out into a slightly less pissy face.

"Stop trying to make fetch happen, (Y/N), it's NEVER going to happen!" Karkat quoted in a bitchy tone, making you laugh as you grabbed his hand and ran towards the surf, albino in tow.

"What the fuck are we even doing here, (Y/N)?" Karkat asked, annoyed. "You burst in my room at the asscrack of dawn and demanded I go to the beach with you."

"Didn't anyone ever tell you the best time to collect shells is sunrise? Before high tide?" You replied, grabbing a cool-looking purple shell.

"Of course I fucking knew that, you don't live in a goddamn hellhole of a tourist town for sixteen years and NOT know that," Karkat replied sassily.

"Wow, too much sarcasm, too early."

"Only for you, asslamp."

"Yo, watch your language. I'd hate to have to wash your mouth out with soap."

"Yeah, whatever, just get these goddamn skeletons of ocean creatures and stuff em in a bag or whatever so I can get back to never leaving my room again."

"Honestly, Kar, what you said to Terezi wasn't THAT bad..."

As the two of you carried on on the deserted beach, a small creature watched from the inky depths.

Eridan hid behind a rock in the surf, wrapping his violet tail around it to steady himself. Looking out on the beach, he spotted you. Eridan smiled wistfully to himself.

If only he had the courage to become a human like his older brother, Cronus. Maybe then, he would have a chance with you. You, the girl he had fallen in love with from afar, watching how you cleaned up litter from the beach, getting angry when people bullied you around for standing up for what you believed in.

Believe it or not, he HAD actually gotten up the courage to talk to you once. You were just a little girl, and fascinated by the mermaid who confronted you. You played together all day, and promised to be best friends. The next day, though, Eridan hadn't been there. Unbeknownst to you, his father had found out, and forbidden him from returning to the surface even again.

...until a few months ago, that is. Where you had written Eridan off as a dream, a childhood fantasy, he hadn't forgotten you.

Eridan peeked out from behind his rock to spot a boy in a black hoodie and jeans with dyed black hair approaching you. He recognized him as the loud one, the one who was always with you. Eridan narrowed his eyes.

He had to come up with a plan.

Meanwhile, you were collecting shells and placing them gingerly in a plastic bag. Your mother always loved seashells, so you wanted to bring her a bag while she worked.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" You heard Karkat ask from behind you.

"Huh?" You turned around to see Karkat standing there shyly, holding a vibrant blue conch shell. It's iridescent surface glittered in the sunrise.

"Listen, I, uh," Karkat stuttered. He stepped towards you, a lot closer that usual.

"What is it?" You asked, confused. Karkat was worrying you. Eridan peered out from behind the rock, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"I think that it's time that I come OUT OF MY SHELL," Karkat said, wincing at the bad pun. "Wait, no, what I'm trying to say is...what I'm trying to fucking say is that I'm in love with you, (Y/N)." Karkat grabbed your hands gently, but in that needy, anxious way only he could do something.

Eridan's mouth hit the sand. No, this couldn't be happening!

"Just--you drive me crazy, (Y/N), but it's the good kind that makes me want you all the goddamn time," Karkat confessed. You stared at him blankly.

"Are you...SHORE about this?" You asked, breaking out into a cheesy grin. Karkat laughed, a rare sight for anyone.

"Are you for REEL?" Karkat said with an exaggerated eye roll. You laughed.

"You're such a dork, Karkat," you mumbled happily, leaning in to kiss him softly...


You screamed as a splash of cold water collided with you and Karkat, then started laughing. Karkat pulled you close to him, surprisingly warm.

"Come on, let's get the fuck home so we can dry off," he suggested. You nodded, wrapping an arm around his waist as he wrapped one around your shoulders, walking back to the car.

Eridan facepalmed...er, face-finned? He had thought that splashing them would work! Evidently not.

How dare they misuse the previous fish puns.

"One day," Eridan muttered wistfully to himself, watching your retreating figure, "one day you'll understand, and we can be together again."

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