Chapter 1

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[I honestly can't handle life without posting stuff on here, lol. So here I am! The Owl City fanfiction I've been working on was the one everyone wanted up next, so here's the first chapter! Disclaimer: I in no way own Owl City or any songs or anything. I don't know Adam Young as a person, obviously, and he's playing a character in this story, anyways, so if you don't like it, by all means, don't read it. I heard the song Beautiful Mystery at like, three in the morning, and was inspired to write this. Hope you enjoy. :3]

Adam’s POV:

“Adam, I just think that this is what’s best for both of us,” said the girl in front of me. Scratch that. Said the emotionless, heartless shell of the girl I once loved.

“Anna, there has to be a reason more than that,” I said somewhat desperately. “You don’t just date a man for six years and make cliche high-school memories with him and then dump him in such a vague way.” My voice rose with every word, gaining the attention of a few of the people surrounding us in the coffee shop. She looked around, as if I had embarrassed her, then took my hands in hers and looked into my eyes. I couldn’t make out even a trace of remorse in her eyes. No emotion whatsoever.

“Adam, honestly, it’s just what I’ve explained to you.” She sounded irritated at the fact she had to waste her breath to repeat her reasons to me. “I just don’t feel anything anymore. It’s not  you, it’s me.” A silence hung between us for a second. Suddenly, rage overtook me and flung every other emotion I had ever felt to the wind.

“Bullshit,” I spat, roughly pulling my hands from hers. “Bullshit.” I stood quickly from the table, nearly knocking over my chair and half-full coffee cup in the process. Anna’s cheeks flushed a light shade of pink and she stood from her seat a bit more gingerly than I had.

“Adam, please,” she begged quietly through clenched teeth as she noticed nearly everyone at the surrounding tables staring at us. Even an employee behind the counter, who had been cleaning it, had abandoned her task and was watching us with a mixture of pity and interest. “Don’t do this. Not here. Not now.”

“You’re one to talk about doing bad things at bad times and in bad places,” I spat back. “It’s not you, it’s me,” I continued in a mocking high-pitched voice. “No, there’s no one else. I love you, but I think this would be best for both of us. Bullshit, Anna. You weren’t saying any of those things when I was taking you shopping and out for fancy dinners. You weren’t saying that when you were able to call yourself Adam Young of Owl City’s girlfriend.” She held my gaze for a minute, a flicker of- was that guilt?- briefly playing across her eyes. Then, just as quickly as it had come, it left, and everything her gaze held was consumed by the same rage I was feeling.

“When I could call myself Owl City’s girlfriend,” she mocked. She slammed the palms of her hands down onto the table. “You say that as though you’re famous and a big deal. You play fucking coffee shops like this one for a dozen people. Get over yourself.”

“That may be,” I started slowly and dangerously. “But that didn’t stop you from going on and on to your friends about how you were dating a musician.” She opened her mouth to speak again,  but I cut her off. “And it doesn’t change the fact that I had money, and lots of it, in my pockets. And it definitely doesn’t change the fact that most of that money is in the clothes and makeup you’re wearing right now, and even in this “date.” For a minute there was nothing but silence and the occasional sound of a coffee cup being lifted and set back down.

“I was nothing but good to you,” I whispered, every ounce of rage fleeing my body. Tears pricked in the corners of my eyes. “I don’t ever want to see your lying face again.” With that and one last hateful look, I turned and walked towards the exit of the shop. I was fully aware of everyone’s eyes on me as I pushed through the doors, but I didn’t care. I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my jeans and walked down the street with long, purposeful strides, staring intently at the ground. Only when I was trudging up the front walk of my house did I pull something from the pocket of my jeans. A small box covered in a layer of navy blue velvet. Hesitantly, I opened the lid to reveal a ring. A simple gold band with a nice sized diamond peaking from the middle of it. Inside, I’d had it engraved. Love will always find a way, it read in elegant black script. I quickly closed the box and threw it as hard as my arm would allow into the bushes. Goodbye, my future, I thought bitterly.

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