Luke doesnt believe in love, nor has he ever experienced it. The bad boy janoskians memeber has always been rather cynical towards anything romantic and only sees girls as lets say pieces of meat. he treats every hook up as a one off thing and wants nothing more afterwards.
What happens when sweet, innocent ,insecure 17 year old Isla Woods is brought into the picture? a sweet inoocent girl with problems of her own. what happens when Luke takes a Liking to her? Will he act upon his new found feelings or do everything in his power to brush them aside?
What happens when Beau truies to play match maker and The janoskian boys make a bet with luke....a bet that he wouldnt be able to just hook up with the pure innocent soul and leave without new found feelings. Will he take up the bet? will she ever find out? and will he manage to get away no strings attached?
most importantly Will isla ever manage to get luke off his ivory tower and experience something so precious and beautiful? and will she ever find it in her heart to forgive him after everything he put her through?