Chapter 6 Christmas Mistletoe Mayhem Part 2

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Disclaimer: Sadly I own nothing of Harry Potter. J.K.Rowling owns the rights to that.

PREVIOUSLY in Christmas Mistletoe Mayhem part 1 we last saw Fred and George setting up their latest prank for the next day. In the morning no one was prepared for Harry,Ron,Ginny and Hermione getting caught up under what appeared to be an innocent mistletoe. Unfortunately for them this was part of Fred and Georges devious plan to play a practical joke on them. Now Mr and Mrs Weasley, Bill, Percy and Fleur look up in complete bewilderment at the mess they got themselves in. How will they get out of this sticky situation?
Continue reading to find out.

Normal POV
Harry,Ron,Ginny and Hermione had been stuck up on the roof of the ceiling for about an hour already. Both Ron and Ginny had managed to control their embarrassment and their cheeks had turned to their normal colour. They realised that as long as either one caught in this sticky mess moved, squirmed around or thrashed they would moved closer to the one opposite, so all 4 decided they would try not to move as much as possible, one wrong move and they would be physically too close for comfort. Hermione had spent that whole hour trying to think up any and every spell,charm or potion she could think of under the sun that could possibly reverse the effects and get them down. Harry on the other hand was also thinking, but not how they could get down but thinking on the lines of
Harry's thoughts
"How long will this last, do I have enough time to further my friendship with Ginny and maybe work on developing it into an actual relationship?"

Meanwhile underneath them the twins had finally caved under the pressure of their mum's fearful glare after they were caught holding their sides and biting on their bottom lip to prevent them from laughing out loud.
One simple look from their family had them convulsing on the floor laughing so hard that it took them a whole 15 minutes for them to FINALLY calm down, look up at the predicament they had put their younger siblings in and their friends to fall on their arses again to begin another onslaught of laughter, with ended when they saw their mum's face, they knew then that they had to end their practical joke or hell might as well freeze over, cause the day may have come when they had gone too far, and they would have hell to pay in their mum had any say in their punishment.

Above them, Ron's face had turned an ugly shade of purple at the revelation of who put him in this predicament.
He completely forgot about not moving around and started thrashing madly and wildly around, swearing rather loudly at his idiotic brothers.
But Ron never got to finish his rant of a sentence cause his mouth was pressed together with Hermione Granger's lips, sealing off any more of what he may have said. Ron at first was stunned at first by Hermione's mouth over his then slowly without any idea how he was doing this, he started kissing her back. The kiss started off with little kisses then they started going further and before they knew it they were having a full on snog session right in front of everyone. As Ron and Hermione's snogging session progressed on they didn't realise that they were going down, from the ceiling to the floor.
As their feet touched the floor, they came up for air looking like they had just come out of a dream like state, like a big bubble had been popped. Their arms were still wrapped around each other's waist, neither willing to move away from each other.
Fred and George grinned at this, seeing their little experiment was half finished, they then looked up to see that Harry and Ginny were blushing red at the sight they had just witnessed. Both shocked that their best mate and and brother had just had the best snogging session RIGHT in front of everyone.

"Come on then you two, get on with it." shouted Fred and George together, "You saw how you got to get down,said Fred grinning. "What're you waiting for, an invitation? continued George.

"What do you mean, get on with it, what do you mean 'it'? questioned Harry, looking like he had just been asked one of those questions by Professor Slughorn, and everyone in class was staring at him.

"You blind or something Harry, sighed the twins...."YOU...KISS...EACH...OTHER!" said Fred and George.

Ginny's POV
"Kiss? As in a kiss on the lips, as in a full on make out snogging session with The Boy Who Lived, the one stuck close to her up on the roof of their families lounge room ceiling, THE HARRY POTTER...WERE THEY NUTS? Had they found out about her secret crush on Harry? She was sure she had been discreet over the years she had been sneaking glances at him...Guess she got sloppy and careless.

Normal POV
Harry and Ginny looked at each other at this point Harry thinking of this opportunity that he had been given. He couldn't screw this up. Heck if he screwed up with this window, he thought he'd never get another chance, he had to do this right.

"Ginny," said Harry, shocking her out of her internal though battle. "Ginny, I know you only see me as a your brothers best friend and you don't have any romantic thoughts for me. You've dated guys over the years I've known you. Your a strong player in Quittaitch, you love weather that's not too hot or too cold, you prefer to sleep in on the weekend but wake up early because you set your alarm, you look great in dark colours and you're the most fearsome person I know that can do a good Bat Bogey Hex when someone pisses you off. All of these thing I've learnt to love about you over the years, and I know this isn't the best time to be telling you this or the most appropriate or well timed moment to tell you this but...(Harry took a deep breath closed his eyes and counted back from 5 to steady himself) I love you Ginervia Molly Weasley. I always have, from the moment I saw you in the Chamber of Secrets, lying cold on the wet ground.... I knew that I wanted to be with you, I couldn't bear to not live my life without you by my side, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ginny (Harry held onto Ginny's hands,clasping them together with his) will you be my girlfriend?

Ginny's thoughts
"Am I hearing things? Am I still dreaming, or asleep in bed?"  (Ginny pinched herself,'OUCH' she felt it! SHE WASN'T DREAMING, SHE WAS REALLY AWAKE! Harry Potter had asked her to be his girlfriend, right here in front of her family,while stuck on the roof of their ceiling. Not exactly the way she had dreamt this moment...but she had to take what she got...after all it's not everyday you get asked to be Harry Potters girlfriend, stuck on the roof of your families ceiling on Christmas Day.

Normal POV
Everyone was waiting with bated breath, looking up to see what Ginny would say. Would she say 'yes....or would she say no'?
'Yes, whispered Ginny'.
'What? I'm sorry Ginny I couldn't quite catch that, could you say that again', said Harry, thinking he was hallucinating, but wanted to make sure he heard her correctly.
" I WANT TO BE WITH YOU, I WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH YOU, I WANT TO..." Harry kissed her during her rant...He couldn't believe that Ginny loved him too, wanted to be with him, and whatever she was going to say after that, he didn't want to know at the moment, he would find out later. Right now though he just wanted to kiss her so badly, show her right then and there how long he had been waiting to do this, have this moment with her.

Later that day:
Everyone had finally settled down, Fred and George had gotten a good scolding from their mum,reprimanding them for their stupid prank. She was pleased though that her two younger children had gotten together with the one they had been in love with,but how they got together wasn't exactly a girls dream come true.
It seemed that the mistletoe was created to express the individuals emotions and focus on the one they liked or loved. Sticking them together until they admitted their feelings for one another. The more the emotion the an individual had the more chance they would fall in love with each other. In the case of Ron and Hermione it turned into a full on make out session.

That night Percy sighed as he wrote down another thing in his personal journal reserved for his brothers were not allowed to do.
Number 6 of things Fred and George are not allowed to do
Create a mistletoe that forces individuals to be stuck together, until they admit they have feelings for each other.
Then Percy added as a side note. (especially if it involves siblings in the family or friends of the family)

A.N - Okey this chapter took a lot of thinking to complete, but in the end I hope you guys liked it.
As always let me know what you thought. Leave a comment,vote for it. Till next time.

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