Chapter 10 What happened in Binn's class

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A/N Okey so I bet some of you are wondering what the boys did in Binn's classroom in the reference i made in the first chapter. So this one is going to be a chapter on what went on.
Disclaimer: Yeah Yeah I know Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling...

2nd September, Binn's classroom last lesson

"The goblin rebellion in 'snore' period was also the year that Uric the Evil started a Giant rebellion which insinuated 'snore'.
Everyone in Binn's lesson was either starting to drop or had fallen on their parchment while trying to listen to the lesson, but in the end everyone in the class could be seen snoring on their ink and parchment which they had placed on the table in the beginning of the class.
Fred and George were sitting at the back of the class 'writing or sleeping', but actually they had something in mind that would surely liven up the lesson.
"Just the little bit of essence of flubber worm and unicorn hair to keep it all together," whispered George
"And we should be just about...... done," finished off Fred, grinning at his brother as they bottled their newest prank potion.
They quietly gathered their things together and got their bags all set for the commotion that was sure to erupt.
Moving to the door, making sure they didn't wake any of the other students or that Binn's noticed them making their escape, not that it would be a problem as he kept on droning on and on about goblins or whatever history lesson it was, Fred and George quietly opened the door, made sure their prank wasn't in either of their bags and that they had left it under some poor sods desk (sucks to be them, they'll get the worst of it) and closed the door, locking it using an advanced locking charm they found (cough) stole, (cough) borrowed from Percy's notes on the Advance in Locking Charms Essay he had done in his 5th year.

They managed to walk and turn into a hidden corridor when an almighty 'boom' came from the very classroom they had exited from, seconds later they could hear their classmates banging on the door as they tried to get out, and when that failed they tried a good old 'Alohermora', and when that failed some idiot tried using 'Bombarda!' They only ended up in the hospital wing afterwards.

1 hour later time skip.
Fred and George were still hiding in the corridor, behind a hidden passageway when they heard footsteps coming towards the classroom. Grinning at each other they waited for their prank to be opened up, and couldn't help laughing as they caught the sight of what their latest prank had done. Everyone's clothes were mattered and slightly torn ( that would be because that Bombarda would have backfired), the strong smell of swamp water could be smelt along with the slight hint of dragon dung.
They caught the slight colour of ginger hair and knew their pompous brother Percy had be called out of class to help out, unfortunately he had got caught up in the stink of the potion and would have it follow him depending on how long he was caught up in it.

A/N well that's it for this, hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did in writing. I'll still continue with my other story, and hope you continue reading, voting, and as always leave comments they are much appreciated. 😄

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