Chapter 1 - Wanted: Boyfriend

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Chapter 1 - Wanted: Boyfriend

Shane's hand is now resting on my knee as he looked directly at my eyes. "Green light." I said without hesitation.

He now moved his hand to my mid-thigh still looking at my eyes attentively. I gave him a smirk and said, "Green light." Ha! He thinks he can get me with that.

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and both Shane and I have got nothing to do. He then proposed to me one of his perverted games he called 'The Firetruck Game'. Basically, he will just put his hand on any part of my body and I'll just have to say 'green light' if I'm comfortable with it and 'red light' if I'm not. It's like a nervous game with a dash of Shane.

A small grin appeared on his face as he slid his hand just under the hem of my short shorts which is only about two inches long from my- "Aaah! Shane! Red light, red light!" I shouted when continued making his hand go up to god knows where. I was going to said 'green light' if he didn't continue moving.

"But Kimmy.." He said raising his eyebrows and giving me that playful smirk of his. "Firetrucks don't stop at red lights." He said as he began to move his hand up again.

My eyes widened in horror when I realized why he called that stupid game 'The Firetruck Game'. I wacked his hand and he grabbed it from my thigh. I wacked him again, but now hitting his head.

"Ow! What was that for?! You already slapped my hand and you do know that I need this for my daily dose of mastur-" I wacked his head again, not giving him the chance to continue what he was going to say. Of course, we all know what he was going to say anyways.

Shane Hudson is my best friend since we were in diapers. He had brown eyes which had flecks of green in them. His dirty beach blonde hair is always messily tousled giving him that hot beach dude kind of look. He also has toned muscles which attract most of the ladies in our school.

Truth be told, I find Shane handsome and attractive but I am definitely not interested in him like that. We may be of the same age but I still consider myself as an older sister to him because of his childish attitude. He's perverted jokes are the deal breaker, everything that practically goes in and out of someone's mouth will make him think of any dirty jokes. Wait, what?! That sounded wrong. Goes in and out of someone's mouth... GOD! I'M BECOMING A 'SHANE'!!

"Ow! You wacked my head again." My idiot best friend said as he touched his head and scrunched his nose. "You know, I'm starting to think that this whacking-my-head thing is just your way of saying 'I wanna whack your head down there!' am I right?" He said wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively and pointing to his manhood. See what I told you about him and his perverted jokes?

I stood up and headed to the kitchen to make some sandwich. "In your dreams! I'll just go make some sandwich." He grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the couch.

"Stay here, I'm going to make us some sandwich!" He said as he stormed off the kitchen. Why would he want to make the sandwich? Nah, whatever. Less work for me.

I decided to just play with his Xbox while waiting for him. I searched his DVD racks for something to play with and my eyes landed on the newest version of Just Dance. Perfect! I can burn calories while enjoying myself.

I chose the song Dance Again by JLo ft. Pitbull. Damn! JLo is hot hot hot! She has toned feminine muscles which I am very jealous of. How I want my body to be like hers! Instead, I have this curvy and slim body, long legs and white skin, enough to be on the cover of fashion magazines... Not! Never in my life I would be in any girly magazines.

Not that I'm not satisfied with my body, I just want it to have some muscles to show that I'm tough and no one can mess with me. Such luck though, I'm the laziest creature ever existed. I'll never make it to gym without me complaining. Dancing is enough for me to maintain my figure.

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