The Mask Unravelled

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The moon shone and the stars glimmerd against the black heavens as the carriage rattled on through the dark. Tonight, was the most perfect night of my life. The carriage moved on peacefully and harmoniously. I thought nothing would disturb me. Everybody was sleeping whilst I stared out  into the night. As I got disinterested of the night I slowly turned my head towards my mother. Carefully studying her facial features, I noticed her dark hair arranged in a most sophisticated style, her piercing blue eyes hidden under long eyelashes. My mother was beautiful, the most beautiful mother I could ever have.

Tired from my long journey to Bath, my eyelids began to close and I was dreaming. A surreal and frightening dream involving guns, blood and a dead man. The dead man was my father. In a panic, I woke up with my heart beating violently against my chest. What was that dream? Was it a message? Being to frightened to stay awake; I slowly drifted back to sleep. The same dream had come back. Only more detailed this time; a man with his facial features buried underneath his black cloak and mask. A highway man. Though a dream, it was so vivid and detailed, as if it was real.


Suddenly I woke up in an instant to see what was going on. A man behind a mask with a black velvet cloak stood before us. His pistol was pointed at my father. ''Hand me all your possesions!'' The highway man demanded. Fear overwhelmed me. ''W-w-we don't have aa-ny'' My father stuttered. It was true, we didn't have any thing apart from clothing, well except for my grandma's locket that I had brought secretly with me. The locket was my lucky charm and it couldn't fail me now. ''Don't fail me, Don't fail me'' I whispered as I clutched my locket ''What's that young lady?'' The man snorted cunningly ''And what you got hiding there, Eh?'' Trembling with fear, I slowly held out my fist. The empty fist. ''What's that?'' The highway man chuckled with sin. My fist went straight for his norse rapidly creating a crunching sound followed by blood. The man didn't seem affected by my punch, he just wiped the blood of his norse and simply said ''Feisty, Ain't you not?'' Then he just slowly turned towards my father as if nothing had happend.

''Hand me all your possesions!'' He repeated ''We dd-don't have any'' My father said with a trembling voice ''Well, I show you what I do when people ain't got nuthin' to give'' The masked man said without any feelings. Within that, he pulled the trigger and the bullet, went straight through my father's heart. Me and my sisters gasped, shocked with fear and my mother stared without blinking. My father was now dead, no life, no last words. He was gone and he wasn't going come back.

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